I must go down to the sea

02 April 2012 | Clayton's Corner, Bathurst HArbour
02 April 2012 | Clayton's Corner, Bathurst Harbour
02 April 2012 | Meleleuca Inlet
02 April 2012 | Iola Bay, Bathurst Channel
29 March 2012 | Casilda cove, Bathurst channel
29 March 2012 | Wombat cove, Bathurst Channel
29 March 2012 | Wombat Cove, Bathurst Channel
13 March 2012 | Recherche Bay
12 March 2012
12 March 2012
12 March 2012 | D'Entrecasteaux Channel
07 March 2012 | Hobart
06 March 2012 | Chinaman's Bay, Maria Island
04 March 2012 | Spring Bay, Tasmania
03 March 2012 | Byan's Corner, Freycinet Peninsula
01 March 2012 | St Helen's
28 February 2012 | St Helen's Tasmania
27 February 2012 | St Helen's, Tasmania
27 February 2012 | St Helen's, Tasmania
23 February 2012

What a way to spend a birthday

11 January 2014 | Three hummock island
After a fairly uneventful sail from Stanley to Three Hummock Island, we anchored in Coulomb Bay on a fairly pleasant afternoon. The weather settled and we had a beautiful evening, testing out the new BBQ and enjoying dinner in the cockpit. After the windy weather in Stanley we were so relieved when the wind dropped altogether and we headed to bed anticipating a very peaceful night. Unfortunately later in the night the rolling started due to tidal movements and we ended up yet another interrupted night's sleep. Next morning, as planned, we started the day by moving the boat up to the other end of the bay when the wind changed direction as predicted. However, just after we got the anchor up and got underway, the engine overheated so we immediately dropped anchor again so we could sort out the problem. Phil ran through his list of possible issues but ruled each one out, and we were facing the prospect of having to sail back to Melbourne and get into the pen without the engine. There was one other boat (Sooty Petrel) anchored up the other end of the bay, so we radioed them to see if they might be able to come up with some other ideas about what our problem might be. It turned out the at the owner, Peter, was a retired mechanic and so between them he and Phil diagnosed the problem and mangaged to fix it so that the engine would function and get us home. Peter had all sorts of tools and spare bits and pieces that came in very handy. Fixing the engine and then re-anchoring the boat took the best part of the day, but I still manged to bake some cup cakes so that we could at least celebrate Phil's 55th birthday in some way. The best birthday present though was a ride around the shores of Three Hummock in Peter's dinghy. We were very relunctant to test out our dinghy as we did not want to tempt fate. The island is just gorgeous. We were of course very grateful to Peter and the crew of Sooty Petrel for their assistance.

Finally on the move

06 January 2014
After 8 nights, most of which have been very windy (last night had gusts around 45kts which is about 85mph), we will finally be getting off this jetty in Stanley and heading to Three Hummock Island. Our plan is to stay there until Thursday lunchtime when we will leave for Melbourne. This trip has been not what we had imagined and ŵe are hopeful that some better weather and a different location might help to end it on a more positive note. Likely no reception after we leave here so will be off the air until somewhere near the heads on Friday morning.


04 January 2014
We are starting to tire of this windy weather! Had a bit of a broken night last night as we had to get up a few times to check and alter the lines to keep us off the jetty and avoid damage to the boat. Windy conditions also make land based activities a bit unpleasant. Spent the afternoon in the pub thinking we would watch the cricket but their reception was no good so had to get score updates via the phone. Have some yummy fresh fish for dinner tonight. Wind settled down now but more coming tomorrow. Having trouble loading photos with the blog so no pictures today

03 January 2014
After a night and morning of relative peace, the wind is back and forecast to reach 30-40kts by early tomorrow morning. Three other yachts made a run for it in the break but we decided we would rather be here on this wind than hanging off the anchor over at three hummock island. Phil had a major win this morning when he continued to work on the autopilot. When he got it apart he found that the magnet that engages the clutch was not releasing. He tried various solutions to no avail and then hit on the idea of reversing the magnet as it has become polarised. It therefor released when it was reversed. So with the work done we had a closer look at Stanley's cute heritage buildings, the cemetery and museum. We have pretty much done the town now so the next few days might be a challenge. No picture with this blog as can't get it to load.

The Nut

03 January 2014
Thursday Jan 2

After a very windy night, at least the rain had disappeared giving us the chance to do some more sight seeing around Stanley. We got the obligatory load of washing done at the local caravan park and organised to get access to power at our jetty. This left the afternoon free to walk up the Nut. What a wild walk that was-there were some parts where I thought I might actually get blown over! But it was worth it for the spectacular views. Pity I can only post one with this blog. When we for back Phil decided to check the auto pilot which had seemed a bit out of sorts by the time we got here. There does seem to be some problem with it and so on the advice of the very helpful Raymarine office in Sydney, phil will work on it due the tomorrow. We really don't want to have to hand steer all the way back if we can avoid it.

Getting to know Stanley

01 January 2014
Arrived in Stanley yesterday after a fairly average Bass Strait crossing. Bait performed very well: nothing broke, great boat speed, auto pilot ran all the way no problems and our batteries supplied all the power we needed. It is just that we were uncomfortable due to the wave motion. After a huge sleep last night, we have tidied up a bit and phil made a loaf of bread for lunch. Internet connection from the boat is not great which is a bit of a nuisance so sitting in the Swinging Anchor cafe. We expect to be here until at least Saturday but there is quite a few things to do so we are looking forward to the next few days. Happy new year to everyone.
Vessel Name: Paseafique
Vessel Make/Model: Adams 44
Hailing Port: Hobson's Bay, Melbourne
Crew: Phil and Lesley
About: We have been racing and sailing as a couple for a number of years, including circumnavagating Tasmania in our previous boat Sandpiper.
Extra: I must go down to the seas again to the vagrant gipsy life, To the gull's way and the whales way where the wind's like a whetted knife; And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, and quite sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
Paseafique 's Photos - Port Davey and Bathurst Harbour
Photos 1 to 41 of 41 | Main
South west cape
south west coast
islands off south west coast approaching Port Davey
Mt Rugby
Island near the entrance of Port Davey
Facility for re-filling with fresh water at Port Davey
Wombat Cove
Cassilda Cove
Celery Top Islands
Celery Top Islands
Phil finally finds the stand of Huon Pine at Old River
In fairyland at Old River
An example of the markers on the way to Meleleuca Inlet - stick with tin can on top, basic but effective
Morning at Meleleuca Inlet
Morning at Meleleuca Inlet
Morning at Meleleuca Inlet
Mt Rugby
Friends from Melian in the house at Clayton
Us enjoying the newly formed Clayton
Sandpiper apparently suspended
Hail shower at Clayton
Hail on Sandpiper
Phil enjoying the serenity
Rainbow over Clayton
Bad weather in Moutler
Us at the top of Mt Beattie
Bathurst Channel
Bathurst Channel
Meleleuca Inlet
Bathurst Channel
Swans taking off near Clayton
Sea eagle
Schooner Cove
Sandpiper in Schooner Cove
Phil in ochre cave, Schooner Cove
Walk from Spain Bay to Stephens Bay
Stephens Bay