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Social Acculturation

02 June 2010 | Paser
In the field of education and anthropology, acculturation term and the ability to negotiate effectively both inside and outside the culture and the main language, and assimilation term was widely used to describe certain types of contact between cultures. Anthropologists define culture as a deep, very fast set of values, beliefs and behaviors that feel all aspects of people's lives at all levels.

In this perspective, culture is not an isolated part of reality that can be taught as a set of facts, or that can be mechanically used to refer to events in a human context, including classrooms. Instead, it is learned, shared and evolving due to changing circumstances and events in our lives. As a tool for cultural change and adaptation, acculturation is seen as a process, whether voluntary or involuntary, in which a person or group taking one or more cultural and linguistic characteristics of another group, resulting in new models mixed cultural or language.

For example, rural young Mexican immigrants who have started wearing baseball caps and listen to heavy metal or rap music or is deemed appropriate acculturation contemporary culture of the United States. However, while these same people will adopt the style of their new country of clothing and musical tastes, it will take more time for their basic linguistic structures, gestures, facial expressions, value systems and styles of social interaction changes.

According to Sonia Nieto, an expert in both studies / multicultural, immigrant students often have a culture of "depth" of his life before, and they adapt to their new environment in a manner more cultural area. Unlike assimilation, leading to the loss of cultural identity and language of origin of a person, acculturation involves adaptation and change.

A Koyukon Athapaskan Snowmobile sled dogs is still rather Athapaskan India. This is not a set of characteristics that ethnicity is as if a person believes or herself to be a member of a particular group. Acculturation is often an additional process that can lead to two or more identities to coexist harmoniously.

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