An Altere Adventure

Surgery Aboard Ship Or Did The Doctor Have Enough Beer Yet?

In the last 3 weeks I have been vexed by a cyst like growth on the right cheek of my face. It was getting bigger and more angry (inflamed) as I was getting the boat ready to go in San Diego. I began to worry about what it was and whether it might be something serious. It was also unsightly and I was beginning to scare dogs and small children. Well maybe not really, but that is how I imagined I must look.

The Monday before leaving, I called the consulting nurse at Kaiser-Permanente in Washington. While she was not terribly concerned about it being dangerous, she recommended that I be seen at K-P in San Diego. I had already procured visiting privileges in order to get a boost of a travelling vaccination. I called, told them my tale of woe, including my short timeline, and they got me in that afternoon. The doctor I saw was also not terribly concerned about it being dangerous. She prescribed an antibiotic, Doxycycline. She also said that it might come to a head and then I could lance it. She even gave me a sterile needle for that purpose.

Of course it got increasingly angry and the pressure grew. By the time we were in Ensenada it looked ready. By that time Dr. Andrew was onboard. He sent a picture to an ER doctor for advice, which came back that it was time to lance it. Yikes!

So we had a wonderful dinner at the hotel grill. I had Camarones Adobados, while John and Andrew had Tacos de Pescado. We all drank beer, but clearly I did not drink enough. After this last meal, we retired to the boat for minor surgery.

In the end, Andrew lanced it for me. I learned several things. First, the dinky needle I was given in San Diego was not enough and we had to resort to the scalpel in the first aid kit (thank you Jane!). I learned that I have a lot of nerve endings in my face (my doctor had recommended I drink more beer). John was squeamish about seeing blood and bodily fluids (although he did suggest using a marlinspike in lieu of the scalpel). And lastly, that the patient should be anesthetized rather than the doctor.

I am writing this a day and a half later while about 20 miles off the Baja coast. I seem to be healing up and life is good.
