Deep Blue

Living The Dream

Florida Fun

22 March 2012
Our time in Florida was mostly spent with our good friends, Katherine and Craig. We enjoyed lots of good times together including a day spent at the Miami Boat Show where we all manned the SSCA stand and signed up some new members before checking out the show ourselves and bringing some goodies back too.

We also visited the Museum of Science & Discovery in Fort Lauderdale where I wanted to test out the 93mph hurricane wind simulator (well, it seemed a lot safer than the real thing) and we both got up close to a shark. Chris also tried a flight simulator and though he crashed the plane, we agreed that we would probably both have survived it! A great place to visit for interactive and informative fun.

Click HERE for the photos
Vessel Name: Deep Blue
Vessel Make/Model: Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 45.2
Hailing Port: Shotley, UK
Crew: Chris & Sandra Mennem
We have realised a long held dream to 'Sell Up & Sail'. Having sailed in the Mediterranean and Caribbean on holiday, we have taken the plunge, waved goodbye to corporate life and want to see where the wind blows us. [...]
Extra: Contact details:- Tel: 07937 061051 (from a UK landline) +44 7937 061051 (from a mobile)


Who: Chris & Sandra Mennem
Port: Shotley, UK