01 May 2008 | Randolph, NJ
29 April 2008 | Randolph, NJ
18 March 2008
13 March 2008
01 March 2008 | Morristown
20 February 2008 | Key West, FL
07 February 2008 | Morristown, NJ
21 January 2008 | Morristown, NJ
12 January 2008 | Union City
08 January 2008 | Union City, NJ
29 December 2007
26 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
24 December 2007 | Randolph, NJ
22 December 2007
19 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
16 December 2007 | Randolph, NJ
10 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
06 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
05 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ

Jabulani in Good Hands

10 December 2007 | Woodbine, NJ
While we helped out back in North Jersey, Bill had Jabulani hauled and blocked for the winter. Last week, we had strong winds, and snow and ice that prevented Jabulani getting hauled out while we were there. The truck was rescheduled for today, and Bill once again has helped us out, taking good care of Jabulani.

Now, one might think that Jabulani is sitting in Bill's yard, but the soil was too soft and muddy for the truck, so again, Bills friendship paid off for us, and Jabulani is sitting in the yard of a friend.

A big thank you Bill from all of us!!!
Vessel Name: Jabulani
Vessel Make/Model: 30' Custom Gaff Cutter
Hailing Port: Cape Town, South Africa
About: Philip, Sharon, Luke and Ruth are preparing to set off on a circumnavigation of the world.
Extra: The name Jabulani comes from the Zulu word for "Joy" or "Rejoice". We believe "Jabulani" reflects our outlook on life.
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/jabulani/


Port: Cape Town, South Africa