Lemons Way

Continuing adventures, observations, and images.

Still Working The Timber Pads

Because we are constructing the timber pads out of a marine plywood base, it is necessary to resin coat them several times, paint them with epoxy, and then paint with outer color, in order to make them as waterproof as possible. It is excruciatingly time consuming, but Matt seems to thrive on it (note the appearance of the Phil Collins shirt again, "No Jacket Required"). Will we ever get done with the three major projects (wind vane, solar, and wind turbine)? Keep tuning in and see. The final construction may be done this week, or not. Of course, there are so many other potential projects on a machine this complicated it seems I'll be working on them all summer while cruising. Come Fall, the boat should be in as good a shape for long distance cruising as I can make it. This assumes Jake and Anne are up for the adventure. They are so happy with all the freedom in our gated self storage neighborhood it may be difficult for them to adjust. We'll see. Finally, I've been using Matt's computer because my internet has been dead for days. I'm going to either have to come up with some internet myself or start blogging a lot less frequently.
