Life After Little Else......or Rambles with Alphie!

Liz Ju and Jack travel in our new campervan Alphie, to tour Orkney, or sometimes sooth.

Royal Highland Yacht Club Fitting-Out Supper

Ju and I attended this very popular event in Oban last night, and managed to catch up with lots of people we know, and people whose paths we crossed for the first time last summer on our Orkney cruise.

The surprise of the evening was Ju winning the Royal Bank Cup for the worldwide class in the Cruising Log Competition in 2011, for her account of her trip sailing on Donata Polo from Plymouth to Panama! Ju's name is engraved on it in distinguished company, including that of the legendary Rev Bob Shepton, who sails to Greenland with ice-climbers!

Here's Ju with the cup, which will now sit on our sideboard in pride of place until next year!
