Lorelei on the seas

16 July 2010 | RAM Marina, El Relleno, Guatemala
24 June 2010 | Rio Dulce, Guatemala
06 May 2010 | La Ceiba, Honduras
20 April 2010 | San Pedro, Ambergris Cay
10 April 2010 | Quintana Roo, Mexico
17 February 2010 | Isla Mujeres
06 February 2010 | La Ceiba, Honduras
24 December 2009 | Roatan, Honduras
13 December 2009 | Rio Dulce, Guatemala
09 November 2009 | Guatemala
04 November 2009 | Livingston, Guatemala
16 October 2009 | Lago Izabal, Guatemala
26 September 2009 | Rio Dulce, Guatemala

Entering Belize

20 April 2010 | San Pedro, Ambergris Cay
Patty/scattered clouds & breezy
After a few tense days in Bahia Espiritu Santo and Bahia de la Resureccion, we finally anchored in Xcalak, the southernmost point of entry/exit in the Mexican Caribbean. Check out was painless and inexpensive. I sweated entry to Belize, from all the stuff I'd read in Raucher's guide and heard from other cruisers. But we didn't need a half of the documents called for, only spent about $35 US to clear in!!!! Only one official came aboard and did a cursory peek into some of the lockers. A lot of the soundings and waypoints are off (grounded 2x where we should have had good clearance.) Will spend a few days here, then move further south. Our prime objective is to get to La Ceiba, Honduras, before 12 May.

Caught 2 schoolies (dorado) and a nice red snapper right off the Chinchorro Bank! Pictures, details and more input to follow!
Vessel Name: Lorelei
Vessel Make/Model: 1979 Endeavour 43' Ketch
Hailing Port: Cape Canaveral, Florida
Crew: Gary B. Waid and Patricia S. Harmon-Waid
About: Gary B. Waid - Captain Patricia S. Harmon-Waid - 1st Mate
Extra: Pearl the beautiful princess and Bodee the wonderdog as our crew


Who: Gary B. Waid and Patricia S. Harmon-Waid
Port: Cape Canaveral, Florida