S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

31 December 2010
28 December 2010
23 December 2010
21 December 2010
20 December 2010
16 December 2010
15 December 2010
14 December 2010
13 December 2010
10 December 2010
09 December 2010
07 December 2010
06 December 2010
03 December 2010
01 December 2010
24 November 2010
23 November 2010

Seven Quick Takes Friday (vol. 1)

20 February 2009

I'm delving into the 7 Quick Takes waters this week, so much to talk about, none of which ended up with it's own post this week. So shall we begin?

1. My dad sent me flowers for St. Valentine's Day and they are still smelling bee-yoo-tifully! Mom made sure to select the fragrant option, they know me so well!

2. How excited am I by the news that Theresa is moving into my neck of the woods? Too excited to even string words together coherently! LOL! I can hardly wait to send the kids off with skim boards and snorkel gear and settle in under a palm tree with our toes in the sand for a good chat! :)

3. Speaking of news and changes, there is a bit of that happening here too. More on that later but it suffice it to say that it has kept us busy-busy-busy this week.

4. We had fog for days and days and days down here which never happens. In our 8 years down here we have had one morning of fog previously. Everyone flipped out.

5. But the sun eventually came out again and I recieved my very first sunburn of the year while scrubbing the deck.

6. I've been rowing my dinghy again when it isn't foggy and now my shoulder aches in the morning when I wake up. I'm telling myself it hurts in a good way, but seriously? Is there a good way to hurt??? Hmmph.

7. Marianna has had a fever off and on this week and is now coughing while napping, so odd for her, must be caused by that fog, don't you think?

Well, now that we're all caught up together, I'll send you over to see all of today's Quick Takes, with Jennifer at Conversion Diary. Make sure you say "Hi!" to her from me!

Vessel Make/Model: 35' Coronado
Hailing Port: Boca Chica
Crew: Capt. Hal, Jennifer, and our daughter Marianna, a great photographer!
Extra: Warmest Wishes!
Home Page: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/marihalojen/

S/V Mari Hal-O-Jen

Who: Capt. Hal, Jennifer, and our daughter Marianna, a great photographer!
Port: Boca Chica
Faith Arithmetic Reading Writing Exercise Beauty