The Sailabout of Mauliola


18 October 2016 | Nuku Hiva
11 October 2016 | Fatu Hiva, Marquesas
08 October 2016 | Makemo
06 October 2016 | Tahanea
25 September 2016 | Rotoava, Fakarava
25 September 2016 | Rotoava, Fakarava
05 September 2016 | Fakarava
05 September 2016 | Fakarava
01 September 2016 | Fakarava, North Pass.
30 August 2016 | Fakarava, south pass
22 August 2016 | Tahiti
23 October 2015 | Port Denarau
05 October 2015 | Fakarava, south pass
05 October 2015 | Vurolevu Island
26 September 2015 | Matasawalevu Bay
24 September 2015 | Vunisea, Kadavu
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
06 September 2015 | Fulaga, Fiji
04 September 2015 | Susui Island


16 August 2012
C. Farias
We left a unique and spectacular Island to make landfall in another astonishing one. And they are completely different from one another. Isla del Coco has dramatic rock formations, steep hills covered by a rich forest all the way to water, the only break in green being he one from the many waterfalls coming down the mountains, falling into the sea.
The riches of the land are surpassed by the riches of the water. We snorkeled with huge schools of fish, small and large, and of course with the signature ones: hammerhead sharks. There were innumerous white tip sharks and James and Ron had a bull shark surrounding them. Under the boat there were more schools of fish, white tips and one day we had 2 large wahoos swimming around, just teasing us. The Island being a national park it is totally protected from fishing or any type of taking. We left no trash behind and we didn't take anything but photos. It rained a lot while we were there. One day it rained hard the entire day and night. The next day there were countless waterfalls coming down the entire sides of the island. Outside the bay we saw a massive tree being carried by the current. It gave us a taste of how strong the current was around there. I was glad to see that the tree was not going in the direction we were.
The park ranger, Victor, took us in a hike across the island. It was steep and muddy but it was worth every step. We went across a bridge the rangers had built completely with debris that washed ashore and fishing stuff apprehended from boats fishing illegally in the area. The trees on the hill top were completely covered with bromeliads. I never seen so many. I can just imagine what a magnificent site it will be when they bloom. And as it is with anything that man touches we also saw the devastating effect of invasive species introduced long ago, from pigs to deer to vines. Our permit was only for 5 days, so we sadness we lifted anchor and in an early cloudy morning we said hasta luego to the magnificent Isla del Coco.
Vessel Name: Mauliola
Vessel Make/Model: Morrelli&Melvin Custom 65' Catamaran
Hailing Port: Hawaii
Crew: Jerry King and Conceicao Farias, owners
About: Conceicao is a Brazilian, Hawaiian by heart, wahine (girl). Conceicao e uma Brasileira, Cearence, Hawaiana de coracao. Jerry is from California, an old Hobie cat sailor, the man with a vision and a mission.
Extra: Our plans: to do a sailabout and come out in the other side of the seas. The South Pacific is our first stop.
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Mauliola's Photos - Main
Fiji 2015
7 Photos
Created 16 August 2015
32 Photos
Created 12 June 2015
8 Photos
Created 8 July 2012
3 Photos
Created 24 April 2012