Steen Rally

Follow us on our sailing adventure from France to Australia

30 December 2015 | Sydney
29 July 2015 | Sydney
15 January 2015 | Sydney
22 December 2014 | Sydney
21 November 2014 | Cairns, Australia
02 November 2014 | Cairns, Australia
21 October 2014 | Port Vila, Vanuatu
01 October 2014 | Fiji
20 September 2014 | Fiji
08 September 2014 | Fiji
24 July 2014 | Neiafu, Tonga
06 July 2014 | Tahaa. French Polynesia
23 June 2014 | Moorea
23 June 2014 | Moorea
15 June 2014 | Papeete, Tahiti
14 May 2014 | Marquesas, French Polynesia


12 June 2013 | Puerto Aventuras, Mexico
Savannah, Nov 3-7, 2012

Like Charleston, Savannah was on our list of places to visit, highly recommended by friends and part of our movie memories (yes, GWTW again, but also, the home of Forrest Gump, one of the kids’ favourites). Unlike Charleston though, it’s not a city easy to get to by boat. Located along the southern bank of the Savannah River, it is 15nm from the Atlantic Ocean. Access was thru Tybee Roads, the inlet that connects open sea to the river. Usually it is quite easy to navigate, but not the day we came. We left Charleston at 11pm expecting a straightforward overnighter, but the weather hadn’t settled as much as we anticipated. So with 20 knots westerly winds hitting us on the beam and a 2.5 knots northbound current, it was a pretty bumpy ride. Our port side hatches leaked mysteriously, resulting in salt water all over the beds, and of course a grumpy crew! As we negotiated the chop, the current and the shifting sands at the entrance at dawn, there was no mention of the 2 hour navigation still ahead of us in the river itself, winding our way thru commercial traffic and strong currents. I know to keep my thoughts to myself when our skipper is stressed. But things improved, the sun came out, the chop disappeared, the commercial traffic was non-existent (maybe because it was week end) and it was indeed quite a pleasant river cruise thru the Georgian marshes.

Docking in the city is fairly limited, and most cruisers choose to stay at one of the marinas further south along the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) and catch a bus or drive into Savannah. But the size of our boat prevented us to do that, so I called ahead and we were fortunate to arrange docking space on the waterfront at the River Street Markets. The privately owned dock there is usually full, but as it was being extended the power had been off for a few weeks, driving some boats away (you know, the megayachts for which one day spent running their generators cost as much as a day’s docking). Charles, the owner operator, offered us a special rate, happy to have his facilities occupied. He also greeted us and handled our lines, which I was grateful for since the tidal ranges and swift currents made docking tricky.

Over our rough trip, it was time to explore. We had arrived on the first Saturday of the month, and that’s when the city holds its “First Saturday on the River”, a monthly family festival with dozens of stalls, and bands playing along the waterfront only meters away from us. With thousands of people in the streets, it was quite a contrast with subdued Charleston. That day, the city was also hosting the Rock’N’Roll Savannah marathon, benefiting the American Cancer Society, with 17000 entrants taking to the streets AND the final day of the Savannah Film festival. While we missed the actual running event and the movie, we mingled with the crowds afterwards, and enjoyed the festivities. We enjoyed a terrific “recovery" lunch at the Churchill’s Pub, being served a southern version of British fare (think Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding coming out as giant prime rib and matching popover! Amazing!!!) Terry was in his element and thought it was the most civilised city in the US for serving drinks in a “to-go cup”. You see, America has what they call Open Containers Law which rules drinking in public (also drinking while driving, but I won’t go into that). Most States totally ban public drinking, except for Louisiana, Nevada, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Montana and Georgia. So in Savannah, it’s legal to sip alcoholic beverages as you stroll in the historic district as long as they’re in plastic cups smaller than 16 ounces (2 cups). Now that’s a party town!

Founded in 1733 by English General Oglethorpe and 114 settlers beneficiaries of a land grant from King George II (him again!), Savannah and the greater State of Georgia were meant to be a buffer between Spanish-ruled Florida and South Carolina. Charleston was the jewel to be protected. As it turns out, Savannah was never attacked. Neither by the Spanish forces who didn’t make it across the border, or the Union Forces during the Civil War. Legend has it that in 1864 General Sherman spared the city because it was too beautiful and offered it unmolested to President Abraham Lincoln as a Christmas gift. Oglethorpe laid out the city in a grid, with homes, churches and shops built around 24 squares, 21 of which survive. They function as handsome pocket parks, with statues, fountains, and benches shaded by oaks draped in Spanish moss. Covering over 2 square miles ( 5 ½ square kilometres), they form America’s largest Historic District containing some 1200 notable buildings. It includes blocks of magnificent townhouses, many 19th century places of worship and other architecturally significant buildings. The best way to see them is on foot or on a trolley tour. We did both, getting a feel for the place nicknamed the Hostess City: Terry and I liked walking best, Anne preferred the trolley, and Marc stayed on board with schoolwork. Enough said.

I like to think of Savannah as Charleston’s younger sister: both cities share the same colonial past and were historically on the same page, yet nowadays while Charleston is very gentle and dignified, we found Savannah to be funkier and more fun. Maybe it is due to the presence of thousands of art students attending the renowned Savannah College of Art and Design. They seem to inject their own energy and sense of imagination. Everywhere you look, old buildings are being restored and put to “adaptive reuse”, art galleries abound with traditional and modern art on display, and there is a myriad of hip cafes and restaurants playing live music. Much like up north, the cuisine is Southern Comfort style, though I don’t think Savannahians take themselves as seriously as Charlestonians. This is a city whose restaurants celebrated National Chili Month in October by offering Chili and Beer specials as the perfect fall combo. Unusual dishes (for US standards) such as chitterlings, pig’s feet, crispy chicken livers, slawsa (a cross between coleslaw and salsa) or even BBQ frogs legs feature on menus along with more traditional offerings like fried green tomatoes, she-crab soup or pulled pork. They can be served refinely in some of the upmarket establishments or diner style at more casual places. The common thread though is local produce and a serious dose of sugar!

Sure, there is no shortage of tourist traps around: City Market, River Street (where we’re docked, and we have front row seat over the 19th century brick warehouses now filled with bars, restaurants, gift shops…), Graveyard tours, Haunted Savannah Tours, Paula Deen shop (a southern cooking entrepreneur who made her name on the Food Network and whose restaurant The Lady and Sons attracts crowds fit for a rock star, though I must say we didn’t eat there), the Pirate’s House (opened as a seafarer’s inn in 1753, with many small dining rooms and surprisingly nice food, we had lunch there), all greeting you with “welcome y’all”…But we had our share of touristy experiences, and much preferred exploring where the locals spend their time. That’s how we discovered Forsyth’s Park and its beautiful French inspired fountain, and Parker’s Market, a 1930’s gas station transformed into an upscale gourmet store. The latter became my favourite shop to provision when the weather suddenly turned chilly (again) and no one felt like eating out (yes, it sometimes happens!).
Besides, we met Joe, a wonderful gentleman on a Morgan 46 called Pixie Dust, who docked next to us. He is a retired marine, and as Marc’s latest professional interest is the military, particularly Special Forces, we invited him for a curry dinner to share some of his experiences. He couldn’t give us many details (top secret operations, you see), but certainly had very juicy stories and kept Marc fascinated all evening. It turns out Joe and Terry have a lot in common, and between the two of them, there is an adventure bestseller waiting! This was our last night in Savannah, and just like that, our focus switched from exploring America’s old south to swapping information about cruising destinations as we were south bound to Florida and Joe was ultimately heading to Europe.

Savannah, du 3 au 7 Novembre 2012

Comme Charleston, Savannah figurait sur notre liste de villes à visiter, vivement recommandée par beaucoup et faisant partie de notre patrimoine cinématographique (eh oui, Autant en Emporte le Vent, encore, et aussi Forrest Gump, un des films préférés des enfants). A l’inverse de Charleston cependant, cette ville n’est pas aussi facile d’accès par bateau. Située le long de la berge du fleuve Savannah, elle est à 15 miles nautiques de l’océan Atlantique. On y accède par Tybee Roads, l’embouchure qui relie le fleuve et la haute mer. D’habitude la navigation y est assez facile, mais pas le jour de notre passage. On avait quitté Charleston à 23h la veille, nous attendant a une traversée assez pépère, mais la météo n’était pas aussi calme qu’on l’avait prévue. Entre un vent d’ouest de 20 nœuds de travers et le Gulf Stream contre nous à 2,5 nœuds, on s’est fait un peu secoues. Nos capots cote bâbord ont mystérieusement décidé de prendre l’eau, avec pour résultat des lits satures a l’eau de mer et bien sur un équipage plutôt grognon ! Quand il a fallu négocier le clapot, le courant et les bancs de sable à l’aube, personne n’a mentionné les 2 heures de navigation encore à faire sur le fleuve parmi les porte-conteneurs, les péniches et le courant assez fort. Je sais garder le silence quand notre skipper est stresse. Puis tout s’est amélioré, le soleil a fait son apparition, les eaux se sont calmées, il n’y avait même pas de trafic (à cause du weekend sans doute) et finalement ce fut une belle balade à travers les marais de la Géorgie.

Les places de quai sont rares et chères en ville, et la plupart des plaisanciers préfèrent rester dans une des marinas plus au sud le long de l’Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) quitte à se rendre à Savannah en voiture ou en bus. Malheureusement la taille de notre bateau limitant notre choix, j’ai appelé quelques jours à l’avance et réussi à obtenir un emplacement sur les quais juste en face des River Street Markets. D’ordinaire ces quais prives sont toujours au complet mais comme ils y faisaient des travaux ils avaient dû couper l’électricité depuis quelques semaines, repoussant beaucoup de clients (comme les megayachts pour qui faire marcher le groupe électrogène coute le même prix qu’une journée à quai). Le propriétaire Charles nous a fait un prix, trop content de voir ses installations enfin occupées. C’est lui-même qui nous a accueillis et aides à amarrer, ce dont je lui suis très reconnaissante car entre le courant et le marnage (amplitude des marées), le parking n’était pas évident.

Une fois remis de notre traversée sportive, il était temps de partir à la découverte. Nous sommes arrivés le premier samedi du mois, qui comme par hasard correspond au « Premier Samedi au bord de l’eau », festival mensuel organise par la ville, a l’ambiance très bonne enfant avec des dizaines de stands et des musiciens jouant le long des quais a quelques mètres du bateau. Toute cette animation et les rues bondées, étaient un réel contraste avec Charleston, qui nous a paru bien calme a cote. Ce jour-là, la ville accueillait également le marathon Rock’n’Roll de Savannah, au profit de l’American Cancer Society, et ses 17000 participants AINSI que le dernier jour du Festival du Film. Arrives trop tard pour le marathon ou le film, ça ne nous a pas empêché de nous joindre à la foule et de faire la fête. A commencer par un super déjeuner « pour récupérer » au Churchill’s Pub, ou ils servent une version sudiste de plats typiquement british (imaginez Roast Beef et Yorkshire Pudding servi comme Côte de Bœuf et Popover, une sorte d’énorme souffle ! Délicieux !) Terry était dans son élément et a trouvé que Savannah était une ville très civilisée, permettant le service de boissons non seulement à emporter mais à consommer sur la voie publique. Car voyez-vous, les Etats-Unis ont une loi appelle Open Container Law qui gouverne la consommation de boissons alcoolisées en public (ainsi que dans les véhicules, mais ce n’est pas le sujet ici). C’est complètement interdit dans la plupart des Etats, sauf en Louisiane, dans le Nevada, le Missouri, la Pennsylvanie, le Montana et la Géorgie. C’est ainsi qu’à Savannah, c’est parfaitement légal de siroter de l’alcool tout en flânant dans le quartier historique, du moment que les boissons soient dans des verres en plastique d’une contenance de 50 cl maximum. Voilà une ville qui aime faire la fête !

Fondée en 1733 par le général anglais Oglethorpe et 114 colons à qui le roi George II avait octroyé des parcelles de terre, Savannah et l’Etat de Géorgie était censées être une région tampon entre la Floride, colonie espagnole, et la Caroline du Sud. Il fallait protéger le joyau qu’était Charleston. Finalement, Savannah n’a subi aucun assaut, que ce soit par les Espagnols qui n’ont jamais franchi la frontière ou les forces de l’union pendant la guerre de sécession. D’après la légende, le général Sherman en 1864 trouva la ville tellement belle qu’il l’épargna et l’offrit intacte au président Abraham Lincoln, comme cadeau de Noel. Oglethorpe conçu la ville en quadrille, ou les habitations, les églises et les commerces furent construits autour de 24 squares, dont 21 subsistent. Ils forment de très beaux parcs de taille humaine, chacun agrémentés de statues, fontaines et bancs places sous les ombrages de chênes centenaires couverts de mousse espagnole. Couvrant une superficie de 5 ½ kilomètres carres, c’est le plus grand quartier historique des Etats-Unis, avec presque 1200 bâtiments répertoriés. On y compte de magnifiques maisons d’époques, des lieux de culte remontant au 19e siècle et autres trésors architecturaux. Le mieux est de se promener à pied ou en trolley. Nous avons fait les deux, à la découverte de l’atmosphère de la ville surnomme « Hostess City » : Terry et moi avons préféré marcher, Anne le trolley pendant que Marc est reste à bord à faire l’école. Nul besoin d ;’en dire plus.

Pour moi Savannah, c’est la petite sœur de Charleston : les 2 villes partagent le même passe colonial, historiquement ont toujours suivi le même chemin, et pourtant maintenant nous trouvons Charleston très sage et digne, alors que Savannah est bien plus branche et « fun ». C'est peut être grâce à la présence des étudiants qui vont au très réputé Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD). Ils semblent injecter une certaine énergie et un sens de l’imagination entrainant. Partout où vous regardez, les immeubles sont rénovés et réutilisés, les galeries d’art sont remplies d’art traditionnel et moderne, sans compter les dizaines de cafés et restaurants branches jouant de la musique live. Tout comme plus au nord, la gastronomie est axée sur le « Southern Comfort » (confort sudiste), mais je pense que les habitants de Savannah se prennent moins au sérieux que ceux de Charleston. Voici une ville ou les restaurants viennent de célébrer le mois national du Chili en Octobre en offrant des dégustations spéciales Chili & Bière, parfait pour l’automne. Des plats insolites (pour les Etats-Unis) tels que tripes, pieds de porc, fricassées de foies de volailles, slawsa (un mélange de salsa et de coleslaw) ou même des cuisses de grenouilles en BBQ figurent sur les menus au même titre que des mets plus traditionnels comme des tomates vertes frites, de la soupe de crabe, ou du porc rôti. Les préparations varient, d’un service très raffine dans les établissements chics au style « diner » dans des endroits plus relax. Mais les traits communs demeurent des produits locaux et une sacrée dose de sucre !

Bien sûr, la ville ne manque pas de pièges a touristes : City Market, River Street (ou nous sommes amarres, aux premières loges pour admirer les anciens entrepôts en briques qui ont été rénovés et reconvertis en bars, restaurants, boutiques de souvenirs…), Visite des cimetières, Visite des Maisons Hantées, la boutique de Paula Deen (une entrepreneuse locale qui s’est fait une réputation culinaire sur le Food Network, et dont le restaurant The Lady & Sons attire une foule digne d’une rock star, nous n’y avons pas mangé cependant), la Pirate’s House (une auberge de marins datant de 1753, avec plein de petites salles à manger a l’intérieur et chose surprenante, une très bonne table, nous y avons déjeuné), tous vous saluant d’un « Welcome Y’all ! » (Bienvenue à Tous !). Mais finalement on a eu notre dose de visites touristiques et préféré découvrir le Savannah de tous les jours. C’est ainsi que nous nous sommes retrouves a Forsyth Park et sa superbe fontaine sortie tout droit d’un parc parisien, et au Parker’s Market, une vieille station d’essence des années 30 maintenant transformée en un magasin de traiteur et épicerie fine. C’est là que j’ai fini par faire mes courses quand le temps s’est refroidi à nouveau et que personne ne voulait sortir pour dîner (eh oui, ça nous arrive parfois !)

En plus on venait juste de rencontrer notre nouveau voisin de ponton, Joe, un monsieur navigant solo sur son Morgan 461 au nom adorable de Pixie Dust (Poudre de fée). Un ancien « marine », nous l’avons invité à bord pour faire plus ample connaissance et donner quelques tuyaux a Marc, qui dernièrement considère l’armée comme débouché. C’est donc autour d’un curry qu’il a partagé certaines de ses expériences, sans tous les détails (c’est top secret quand même !) mais avec assez d’anecdotes juteuses pour nous divertir toute la soirée. Il s’avère que Joe et Terry ont pas mal de choses en commun, entre eux deux, on pourrait écrire un super livre d’aventures !! Ce fut notre dernière soirée à Savannah, et voilà comment nous sommes passés de la découverte du Vieux Sud à l’échange d’informations sur différents mouillages, Joe contemplant une transat vers l’Europe, et VOAHANGY faisant cap sur la Floride.
Vessel Name: VOAHANGY
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 560
Hailing Port: Sydney
Crew: Terry, Voahangy, Marc, Anne Steen
Terry, 71, skipper, ex-pilot, surfer, aerobatics champion, can fix anything, never sea sick, loves a beer, hates the cold, is happiest anchored off a deserted beach. [...]
VOAHANGY's Photos - Main
84 Photos
Created 20 November 2014
2 glorious months, cruising various parts of Fiji. So many different experiences in one country: lush rainforests, colourful indian towns, blue lagoons, traditional villages, great fishing, fancy resorts... And the best part was sharing the cruising with family and friends. Can't beat Fiji with company! Here is a collection of our favourite moments (and there are a few!!!)
1 Photo | 8 Sub-Albums
Created 12 October 2014
Some of the whales actions we witnessed in Tonga, to read with the Whales action post by Anne!
7 Photos
Created 1 October 2014
Whale watching, snorkelling, bonfires, making new friends...One of the most remote and austere destination, far away from big tourism, with friendly people holding on to their traditions. Weather a bit chilly, but who cares???
46 Photos
Created 10 September 2014
49 Photos
Created 25 July 2014
15 Photos
Created 25 July 2014
9 Photos
Created 25 July 2014
38 Photos
Created 30 June 2014
20 Photos
Created 30 June 2014
72 Photos
Created 28 June 2014
55 Photos
Created 23 June 2014
27 Photos
Created 15 May 2014
37 Photos
Created 11 May 2014
40 Photos
Created 30 March 2014
1 Photo | 3 Sub-Albums
Created 15 March 2014
The time finally came to leave...a month of celebrations and sadness!
30 Photos
Created 5 March 2014
Another holiday within the holiday! Spent 13 fantastic days in Whistler, British Columbia joined by Aussie friends David and Denise. First time on skis for them, perfecting camps for Marc and Anne, loads of fun for everyone.
70 Photos
Created 8 February 2014
Nothing like having family and friends coming for a visit in the sun. Lots of eating, drinking, swimming, laughing...showing everyone our small paradise.
99 Photos
Created 30 January 2014
End of school year in Puerto, many get togethers before flying off to Paris for a family Christmas.
25 Photos
Created 23 January 2014
Day of the Dead festival, a friend visiting from Australia, Anne participating in her first martial arts tournament,...As usual a lot of eating and socialising!
40 Photos
Created 2 December 2013
68 Photos
Created 6 November 2013
Having visitors means putting on our tour guide hat "Voahangy & Co in Mexico", much exploring and eating: ruins, cenotes, beaches, villages, markets,... . I shared Mexican cooking lessons and was repaid with Dutch baking classes from our French guest. We ate a lot of cakes this month! So much sugar, no candies needed for Halloween this year, just parties...
74 Photos
Created 1 November 2013
This is the slowest month of the year in Mexico: hurricane threats, hot and humid weather, torrential rains drive the tourists away and confine the rest of us indoors. It poured for 22 days non stop! We still managed a dive (in the rain) for Father's Day, a day of all you can eat and drink at the local resort for Terry's birthday, and as usual lots of cooking and eating. Just on cue, the weather cleared at the end of the month for the arrival of Marie Suzanne, a French girlfriend. So lots of touring and catching up. Celebrated Mexican Independence Day all month long (it seems), eating black beans and pork verde!
47 Photos
Created 10 October 2013
No excursions this month. Just hanging around Puerto Aventuras, school, friends, ...Sat thru a couple of storms, torrential rains, big winds...Nowhere to go so more time spent in the galley and writing about it!!!
33 Photos
Created 12 September 2013
Holiday month for everyone: visitors from the USA, kids in and out, parties, US National Day celebration, French National Day celebration, Tulum for a night (bliss...) The start of a new food blog meant a month spent in the galley experimenting. Not much in terms of local food, mostly home cooked French. Chocolate cake anyone?
41 Photos
Created 24 August 2013
Holiday Seasons with old and new friends, provisioning and preparing to leave the USA...
54 Photos
Created 16 July 2013
End of school year performances, lots of baking/cooking for school festivities, Marc hospitalised, first tropical storms testing our nerves, road trip to Belize... Eat ceviche, my latest food addiction!!!
15 Photos | 1 Sub-Album
Created 8 July 2013
Lots on! An interesting road trip to the Chiapas region, wonderful ruins of Palenque, green and lush Tabasco, Anne's birthday, Cozumel by boat, Kids sports graduation...Eat chilaquiles, breakfast with a difference.
26 Photos | 3 Sub-Albums
Created 2 July 2013
Settling down and mixing with the locals: kids are off to school, birthday parties, more of Tulum, unexpected reunion with fellow cruisers. Eat: black bean soup!
30 Photos
Created 2 July 2013
Not much tourism this month. We finally made the decision to stay for the rest of the year. So it's head down with school, get together with cruising friends ( they're passing thru while we stay behind) and switching to "landlubber's" mode. Resolved to eat at home more often, back to healthier diet.
19 Photos
Created 13 June 2013
Exploring the Yucatan peninsula by car, to Uxmal ruins and Merida. More of Tulum. Marc's Birthday. Try Flyboarding. Join in the local community of Puerto Aventuras. Xel-Ha. Discover Playa del Carmen. Eat nachos.
27 Photos | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 13 June 2013
Landfall in Isla Mujeres, find our way around our new home in Puerto Aventuras, excursion to Coba ruins, discover Tulum, swim with dolphins, eat tacos...
31 Photos | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 13 June 2013
Our last few weeks (even months) have been spent in Puerto Aventuras, Mexico. Not much cruising for us, more like enjoying company of new friends, safety of a protected harbor, and relaxing for a while, knowing we don't have to go anywhere for a while...
25 Photos
Created 2 April 2013
2 weeks in an island where time has stood still for 50 years! Road trip La havana - Vinales- Cienfuegos - Trinidad - La Havana. Cruise down the west coast, beautiful beaches, good fishing, diving,... Warm waters at last!!!!
3 Sub-Albums
Created 5 February 2013
To be enjoyed while reading the post!
43 Photos
Created 31 December 2012
Exploring Charleston and Savannah
1 Photo | 2 Sub-Albums
Created 27 December 2012
2 weeks shore leave, driving to Shenandoah National Park: lots of hiking, eating "country style" food, looking for bears, avoiding bears...Long drive across to Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, to visit the Wrights brothers memorial and Cape Hatteras.
28 Photos
Created 25 December 2012
Caught up with friends, left the boat on display at the 2012 Boat Show, toured historic downtown and US Naval Academy, watched a football game...welcome to the US sailing capital!
51 Photos
Created 25 December 2012
Unforgetable summer cruising around Block island, Nantucket, and Martha's Vineyard.
1 Photo | 3 Sub-Albums
Created 16 December 2012
46 Photos
Created 17 October 2012
A leisurely cruise from New York to Newport. Quite anchorages, fresh ocean breeze, ...a million miles away from Big City living!
37 Photos
Created 5 September 2012
July and September in the Big Apple. Cruise, Eat, Shop, Walk,...Look at some of our best memories (work in progress, I am still sorting thru thousands fo photos!)
1 Photo | 4 Sub-Albums
Created 3 September 2012
Museums, memorials, parks, bike trails...the most photogenic city.
85 Photos
Created 15 August 2012
First voyage in July, on our way to Washington DC. Passing thru quaint and historical towns, sampling crabs and oysters in hot summer nights... Returned in September, enjoying all Annapolis has to offer (well, nearly), and the spectacle of autumn foliage.
20 Photos
Created 15 August 2012
Where there are some seriously clever people!
22 Photos
Created 15 August 2012
29 Photos
Created 20 July 2012
Shore leave: Make believe, dreams come true, thrills, fast food...Anything goes here!!!
42 Photos
Created 20 July 2012
Welcome to America! Our port of entry, last moments with friends, base for a mini-refit, and our first taste of the USA...
18 Photos
Created 30 June 2012
59 Photos
Created 31 May 2012
17 Photos
Created 25 May 2012
33 Photos
Created 25 May 2012
52 Photos
Created 25 April 2012
19 Photos
Created 14 April 2012
30 Photos
Created 14 April 2012
28 Photos
Created 30 March 2012
28 Photos
Created 5 March 2012
40 Photos
Created 12 February 2012
36 Photos
Created 12 February 2012
25 Photos
Created 28 January 2012
49 Photos
Created 8 January 2012
37 Photos
Created 4 January 2012
40 Photos
Created 28 December 2011
What happens during a transat?
40 Photos
Created 14 December 2011
44 Photos
Created 19 November 2011
22 Photos
Created 19 November 2011
40 Photos
Created 19 November 2011
13 Photos
Created 19 November 2011
18 Photos
Created 19 November 2011
30 Photos
Created 17 November 2011
21 Photos
Created 30 October 2011
18 Photos
Created 22 October 2011
24 Photos
Created 1 October 2011
21 Photos
Created 8 September 2011