15/07/08, Qingdao

Still going well out here although the fog has once again slowed up proceedings. The Danish team organised a mini regatta to be run yesterday and today. We had good conditions yesterday and did 4 races as well as an hour of tuning. Racing went ok though we definately wern't as sharp as we'd like to be. I think its down to our minds being focused on tuning and gear selection and not on the racing.
We went down today but the fog rolled in and visibility dropped to around 50m plus there was no wind so racing was abandoned. There was a funny 'lost in translation' moment which caused quite a bit of panic though. Word got round that the Chinese were not going to let us launch or sail on the Olympic waters from today onwards! So as you can imagine the whole team started worrying about training and phone calls and emails were flying around trying to find out why. As it turns out what the Chinese were tying to say is that they didn't recommend us sailing today because of the fog warning!
The plan now is to re-run the racing missed today tomorrow.

In the meantime we have managed to come to some more decisions over kit so far from a wasted day.

Feeling proud!!
13/07/08, Qingdao

We've spent the last few days testing sails and masts trying to decide on a suit for the Games. It's been pretty exciting to have a Union Jack flying in front of the boat ( a first for both of us). Its been very light but sailable and we seem to be making progress.
Some of the other nations are organising a mini regatta starting tomorrow for the 49ers. I think we might go and join in, see how we're matching up.

Little Miss Pipedream
10/07/08, Qingdao

Having spent the last few days working hard to get her ready for her premier launch, we rode down to the club in torrential rain. Not the sort of conditions we would have liked to launch her.
Anyway sure enough by the time we were ready to push off the clouds parted and the rain stopped. As most of you know we always name our boats after girls in songs and so with a can of TsingTsao Beer we named her 'Little Miss Pipedream' (A song by the Wombats).
The breeze held up for the duration of our sail and she seemed to be pretty good. Big thanks to Simon Hiscocks for helping prepare her back in the UK.
We now have a week of practise in her to make sure she is the one but things look promising.

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