Log of Taiga

29 April 2014 | 14 05'N:060 57.7'E, Rodney Bay, St Lucia
27 April 2014 | 16 18.5'N:061 47.9'E, Deshaies, Guadeloupe
27 April 2014 | 17 09.1'N:062 37.9'E, Island of Nevis
27 April 2014 | 17 15'N:062 39.6'E, Island of St. Christopher
27 April 2014 | 17 55.5'N:062 52.2'E, Island of St. Barthelemy
07 April 2014 | 18 03'N:063 05.9'E, Island of St. Martin
07 April 2014 | 18 29.9'N:064 23.2'E, Norman Island to North Gorda Sound
07 April 2014 | 18 19.1'N:064 37.1'E, Soper's Hole, then Norman Island
05 April 2014 | 18 20.6'N:064 40.7'E, Round Bay, St. Johns, USVI
05 April 2014 | 18 20'N:064 58'E, St. Thomas, USVI
05 April 2014 | 18 18.4'N:065 17.8'E, Culebra Island, PR
05 April 2014 | 18 8.1'N:065 18'E, Bahia Salinas del Sur, Vieques
05 April 2014 | 18 5.5'N:065 28.2'E, Esperanza, Vieques
05 April 2014 | 17 57.5'N:066 17.5'E, Salinas, Puerto Rico
05 April 2014 | 17 53.2'N:066 31.8'E, Isla Caja de Muertos
05 April 2014 | 17 56.7'N:066 52.4'E, Bahia Guanica, P.R.
05 April 2014 | 18 04.5'N:067 11.3'E, Puerto Real, P.R.
08 March 2014 | 18 04.5'N:067 11.3'E, Puerto Real, P.R.
08 March 2014 | 19 17.2'N:069 19.8'E, Puerto del Valle
27 February 2014 | 19 24'N:069 45'E, Luperon to Puerto del Valle

St. Kitts to Nevis

27 April 2014 | 17 09.1'N:062 37.9'E, Island of Nevis
Monday, April 14, 2014 This morning we motored an hour from St. Kitts over to the neighboring island of Nevis and picked up a mooring just off the Four Seasons resort. We picked up Edgar and Hella in our dink and went to the town dock for check-in. As we were walking up the dock, an older gentleman named Sydney asked if we'd like to hire him for a taxi tour, and we agreed. The price was as follows: $75 for me: everyone else free. So he drove us all around this beautiful small island, recounting some of its history and showing some of the many old sugar and cotton plantations. Like other islands in this part of the Leewards, this island is an extinct volcano with enough sloping benches to afford agriculture. He told us that before slavery was abolished in by the British 1834 there were 165 plantations. We stopped at a couple of old sugar cane mills and were impressed by the huge, heavy gears that drove the crushers and all the associated machinery for making steam to drive the steam engine powering the crushers. Some of the old cane mills have been converted to hotels or other tourist attractions. This island is also the birthplace of Alexander Hamilton. I just finished a biography of this man who was a right hand of George Washington during the American Revolutionary War and during Washington's presidency.
Vessel Name: Taiga
Vessel Make/Model: Catana 44
Hailing Port: Eagle River, Alaska
Crew: Jack and Sherri Hayden
About: Taiga is a 1997 Catana 44 catamaran. We bought her in November, 2010 in Hampton, Virginia. This is our second sailboat and we love it. It is fast and comfortable.

Crew of Taiga

Who: Jack and Sherri Hayden
Port: Eagle River, Alaska