Taranui Travels

2013 South Pacific Travels

14 September 2013
05 September 2013
01 September 2013
10 August 2013 | Musket Cove
07 August 2013 | Musket Cove
30 July 2013
28 July 2013 | Sawa-i-lau Island
24 July 2013 | Namena, Kubulau, Savusavu
12 July 2013
05 July 2013 | Kaoi Island

Stuck n Savusavu with the Memphis blues again

19 July 2013 | Savusavu
Well we've clocked up a week in Savusavu and it's getting a little old. A big storm has been plaguing all of Fiji since last Sunday. We tried valiantly on Wednesday to go out to a nearby island, Namena, which is about 15 miles away. We found seas of up to 4 metres and confused ones at that and winds gusting 35 knots. We jointly decided that it wasn't a wise decision and then Tony had to put the harness on to get the stay sail to tack properly so we could return. The crew were fantastic. Katie, who was feeling a little seedy, took the helm and steered brilliantly while Tony did his work on the foredeck. We were out for about an hour. We came back in and anchored off the Jean -Michel Cousteau resort. It was still a bit stormy but we were able to swim (first time in over a week for the old crew and first swim for the newbies). Katie and Tony went for a snorkel but the visibility was very poor so we gave up on that. Katie, Kath, Gildo, Tony and I went for an evening walk and ended up having drinks at the Cousteau Resort. Our fruit drinks were delicious but we passed on the $F 27 cocktails. It's a beautiful place but we didn't feel particularly welcome (scruffy yachties?). However, we did get a small taste of what people who can afford accommodation that costs $1000 a night have access to. The plan for today was to take two taxis to Labasa, a sugar cane town about 2 and a half hours away. We'd been working on all sorts of ways to get there: local bus, rental vehicle (not big enough)and local taxis. We had Arif and one of his taxi driving colleagues all set up to take us this morning but Katie woke up with a bad head. So I stayed back to keep her company and the others canceled Arif and rented a 5 seater vehicle. Their plan was to have lunch at an eco lodge outside of Labasa. They are due back soon so we'll leave that story for another day. The good news is that Katie slept for a few hours and woke up feeling better. The highlight of our day was a shower on shore (cold, as the hot water had run out but it was still lovely). We're now back and I'm making muesli and Katie is catching up on correspondence. All's well but tomorrow Lisa, Rob and I fly back to Nadi... We spend the night there and then fly out Sunday (afternoon for me and evening for them). It's been a wonderful trip.
Vessel Name: Taranui III
Vessel Make/Model: Whiting
Hailing Port: Auckland

Port: Auckland