Twin Image

14 November 2010
28 October 2010 | Vancouver
28 October 2010 | Bowen Island
28 October 2010 | Vancouver
23 September 2010 | Cailfield -West Vancouver
29 August 2010
29 August 2010 | West Vancouver YC
02 August 2010 | BC-Canada
02 August 2010 | Vancouver-BC-Canada
02 August 2010 | Whistler BC Canada
27 June 2010 | West Bay Vancouver
27 June 2010 | Vancouver
27 June 2010 | Vancouver
26 June 2010 | Vancouver
12 June 2010 | Vancouver
06 June 2010 | Saipan
30 May 2010 | Vancouver

Red footed boobie

23 February 2010 | Equator
by Bronwyn, Samuel and Taylor James 10.2.2010
Red footed boobie

by Bronwyn, Samuel and Taylor James 10.2.2010

Where did you come from red footed boobie and where are you off to next?
In the night, the sky made you, oh so bright, a little white blob on the bow.
Its the day now and youre' still with us, holding on tight to the bar.
Fluffing your feathers, drying yourself, making yourself all new.

Where did you come from red footed boobie and where are you off to next?
We named you Harry and as we carry you along, to your new island home,
How long will you stay before you fly away, along to your new boobie home?
You have big red feet and big blue eyes, they help you to eat at night,
We think your home is far far away to the east in the Hawaii Isles.

Where did you come from red footed boobie and where are you off to next?
You stayed three days and three nights and made the boat your home, but then you decided to leave.
Off you went to fish, you flew far away and didnt come back, so today must be your day.
The wind has changed, its from behind, so maybe thats why you left, an easy run, great glider bird and with your
wings held forward, you can fly so fast and low.
Thanks for visiting, it was good fun, checking you out on the bow, the shrieks of delight as the boys discovered
you had stayed another night.
Now you've gone and flown away to find another home.
Where did you come from red footed boobie and where are you off to next?
Vessel Name: Twin Image
Vessel Make/Model: 58 ft Catamaran
Hailing Port: Auckland
Crew: Richie Bronnie Samuel & Taylor James
About: Hold on for the ride and what a ride its been and will be ..................until next we sail enjoy
Extra: Twin Image is currently on the hardstand in Saipan, the new rig is being built in NZ, and we are working and enjoying life on land in Vancouver British Columbia Canada.....Happy for the moment...that is happiness
Home Page:

Twin Image

Who: Richie Bronnie Samuel & Taylor James
Port: Auckland
In British Collumbia Canada
Check out the Gallery......