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SailBlogs Member Group - ICW 2009-2010

Group Information
ICW 2009-2010
Doing the Ditch this season? Swap info and connect.
3 Members
ELISABETH wrote on
15 October 2009 02:16:23Z
My boat is a Fisher 37 (dr. 5.3') we will sail from Stuart Fl to Savannah GA. the first week of November. If I sail from sunrise to sunset how many days I need Thanks Guy
PRIM wrote on
27 September 2009 13:16:08Z
As usual, you can stir up a bunch of junk in the Dismal Canal. We hooked something just south of the South Mills lock that went 'thud' below and a few minutes later, the engine alarm sounded off. Only a few pine needles in the strainer so we proceded at half-speed to Elizabeth City where I'll check things out further and change the impeller. Hopefully, that's all that is necessary. There was also a huge nearly submerged log floating dead center in the channel at Mile 41-42. Have fun and keep your eyes open.
PRIM wrote on
27 September 2009 13:15:28Z
As usual, you can stir up a bunch of junk in the Dismal Canal. We hooked something just south of the South Mills lock that went 'thud' below and a few minutes later, the engine alarm sounded off. Only a few pine needles in the strainer so we proceded at half-speed to Elizabeth City where I'll check things out further and change the impeller. Hopefully, that's all that is necessary. There was also a huge nearly submerged log floating dead center in the channel at Mile 41-42. Have fun and keep your eyes open.
PRIM wrote on
07 September 2009 13:15:32Z
For anyone interested in or doing the ICW this season, stop in and join the conversation. This is PRIM's first run down the Ditch so we are always looking for good information on anchorages, marinas, good access for provisions, parts (always boat parts), and of course meeting new friends on and off the water.
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