Vessel Name: Kasbah
Hailing Port: Alamitos Bay Marina, CA
Crew: Barusch, Nina & Gigi
About: For an update on our travels please visit us @ www.2soulsailors.blogspot.com or email us @ 2soulsailors@gmail.com
03 January 2009
30 December 2008 | Long Beach, California
04 July 2008 | Long Beach, CA
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03 January 2009


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30 December 2008 | Long Beach, California

Closing 2008

The eve of New Years Eve. It has been about a month now since Barusch has sold Shore Espresso. We have successfully cruised the Channel Islands. We were able to put some of our heavy weather skills to the test and after 9 days we came back feeling victorious. With more fire in our hearts to accomplish [...]

04 July 2008 | Long Beach, CA

In the beginning...

A Sailors attachment to the sea compels him or her to abandon all the ties that prevent them from knowing the complete freedom of life on the ocean.


03 January 2009

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