Going Home

Vessel Name: 38 South
Vessel Make/Model: Lagoon 380
Hailing Port: Melbourne, Australia
Crew: Meryn & Rick Cooper
We are cruising our way home to Australia and started in 2015. we have been exploring the Eastern Caribbean on the way north through to Jacksonville Fl and to and from the Bahamas. Our last trip was West Palm Beach to Panama via Cuba and Jamaica arriving April 2024 in Linton Bay. [...]
Extra: The final destination is Melbourne Australia, via TBA.......
06 February 2024 | West End, Bahamas
29 March 2023 | Saint Augustine Marine Center
22 July 2019 | Melbourne Australia/St Augustine Florida
13 October 2017
10 April 2017 | Green Cove Springs
08 April 2017 | Reynolds Park Yacht Center - Green Cove Springs
06 April 2017 | Reynolds Park Yacht Center - Green Cove Springs
31 March 2017 | Port St Lucie via West Palm Beach
27 March 2017 | Alice Town, Bimini
21 March 2017 | Allens Cay to Nassau across the Bahama Bank
20 March 2017 | Shroud Cay to Allens Cay via Highbourne Cay
19 March 2017 | Warderick Wells Cay – Boo Boo Hill walking tour and then to Shroud Cay
18 March 2017 | Thunderball Grotto, Pig Beach then to Warderick Wells Cay
17 March 2017 | Staniel Cay via Bitter Guana Cay
16 March 2017 | Lee Stocking Island to Little Bay, Great Guana Cay
15 March 2017 | Georgetown to The Caribbean Marine Research Centre, Lee Stocking Island.
13 March 2017 | South Point Long Island to Georgetown, Exuma via Nuevitas Rocks
09 March 2017 | Aklin Island to Gordons Beach, Long Island
08 March 2017 | Mayaguana to Attwood Harbour, Aklins Island
Recent Blog Posts
06 February 2024 | West End, Bahamas

Its not all Palm trees and Margueritas

we are anchored in a small abandoned canal development near West End, Bahamas. The weather is not conducive to crossing the gulf stream to West Palm Beach, winds are expected to top 40 knots from the north today and not settle until later in the week. we chose to seek shelter in this anchorage which [...]

29 March 2023 | Saint Augustine Marine Center

Two weeks back on the boat

Well we arrived back to 38 South exactly 2 weeks ago and have been fully engrossed in cleaning and upgrades since then. It took at least 2 days to have the boat clean and aired out enough to live comfortably and from that point on it has been a matter of listing jobs in order of priority. There has [...]

22 July 2019 | Melbourne Australia/St Augustine Florida

It can't be that long between posts

I cannot believe it has been so long since the last post. We have had some highs and lows since we parked at Green Cove Springs in 2017.

13 October 2017

Maintenance Time

Just an update on the status of 38 South. September was an interesting month with Hurricane Irma's path to be right across the top of the boat. It meant a quickly assembled trip across to further strip and secure her for the pending bad weather. As it turned out it was a glancing blow and we received [...]

10 April 2017 | Green Cove Springs

Out of the Water

Well we are now on dry land. This morning the mast was removed and the boat lifted from the water. we have now been placed in our "spot" until we return. we have been continuing the preparations to leave. The motors have been run on fresh water to flush the salt water from the heat exchangers and [...]

08 April 2017 | Reynolds Park Yacht Center - Green Cove Springs

Packing up takes time

Well the packing up seems so huge. there is so much to do. we have been getting organised with bags and such and will probably leave most of our stuff on the boat, clothes and the like. there only seems to be the souvenirs and my dive gear that has to come home. Our suitcases are like the russian [...]

What happened to my chopping board

09 November 2015 | Spice Island Marine Services
Rick - Raining heavily for LONG periods
well that's a long story....
Our good friend Bob arrived on Friday and after a day or so of settling in we started to talk about the upcoming chores still required prior to launching next week. We had already pushed out the launch a couple of days due to some much needed parts not arriving. In fact they were due Friday and then Monday and as Monday is now at an end I think it may happen on Tuesday......or not.
you see that is the thing about Island Time, we know it will happen we just don't know when.
As for the work left to do, the biggest jobs were replacing the "Skin Fittings" and ball valves or "seacocks" that were in the boat. As there was no available history on the age of the fittings and they looked corroded and some did not work it was agreed long ago that before we went anywhere we would replace them with new fittings. The old ones were bronze and it was quite scary how easily the broke. Bob went to wiggle the hose off the end on one fitting and it came off in his hand. This just reinforced that the decision to replace them was the right one
That said. finding new ones turned out to be a nightmare, A trip around both chandlers on the island confirmed they had what we needed. but when we went back to pick them up they had not the stock we required. some head scratching followed on what could be whipped up to meed our needs and after most of one day we managed to get enough of what we needed to make a start. One of our problems is that the largest fitting which was the toilet outlet could not be tightened on the hull as it was suitable for a thicker hull. what we needed was a washer around 5-7mm in thickness and around 50mm in diameter . In fact we needed 2 washers one for each toilet. off we went again in search of 2 washers. to the chandlers...No, to the hardware......No and it dawned on me. It should not be hard to make the washers we needed, All I needed was 2 holesaws of different sizes and something about 5-7mm thick.
That's where the cutting board came in.
we now have the necessary washers to complete the job and on the up side the cutting board now has 2 cup holders in one end.
We are definitely understanding Island time a little better. we had parts due on Friday that would definitely be here Monday and now may be here tomorrow (Tuesday).....or not
cheers to all for now
back to boat jobs tomorrow.........and I really must chase those parts up in the morning
38 South's Photos - Main
In the yard for maintenance and upgrades
5 Photos
Created 29 March 2023
13 Photos
Created 10 April 2017
13 Photos
Created 7 April 2017
12 Photos
Created 6 April 2017
9 Photos
Created 31 March 2017
5 Photos
Created 27 March 2017
8 Photos
Created 20 March 2017
Thunderball Grotto, Pig Beach and Iguanas
24 Photos
Created 20 March 2017
Piano and Mermaid
8 Photos
Created 16 March 2017
9 Photos
Created 15 March 2017
Soufriere hills volcano, Plymouth, Little Bay
No Photos
Created 25 December 2015
Basseterre/ Marina Rivere Sans/Point-a-Pitre/Deshaies
8 Photos
Created 25 December 2015
3 Photos
Created 25 December 2015
The Pitons and Rodney Bay
4 Photos
Created 25 December 2015
Fort De France and Saint Pierre
6 Photos
Created 25 December 2015
Blue Lagoon
4 Photos
Created 1 December 2015
Admiralty Bay, A fantastic place, probably our favourite so far. And found a coffee to rival Melbourne
3 Photos
Created 30 November 2015
Overnight Anchorage and some snorkeling. A marine park so fees applied. Barbecue Lobster on the beach for dinner if you wish
3 Photos
Created 30 November 2015
We have now left Grenada at Tyrrel Bay and have checked into St Vincent and the Grenadines at Union Island.
6 Photos
Created 30 November 2015
Anchored on the western side of Ronde Island just west of Kickem Jenny subsea volcano. There is an exclusion zone around the Volcano in place.
4 Photos
Created 30 November 2015
Sitting on the "Hard" while doing some necessary maintenance before commecing the trip
2 Photos
Created 9 November 2015
On the pick and hauled for the season
5 Photos
Created 14 October 2015

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