Trying to make up for missed meals
03 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
Day 18
Having apparently used all the wind in this area of ocean, I am happily coasting along under blue skies in warm gentle breezes, loving the down time to recover.
The winds are light from behind and I am ghosting slowly northward with nothing much to report. I am wolfishly trying to eat my way through two weeks worth of missed calories and considering even putting the fish line back out. This morning, I was drooling over the idea of fresh protein to make up for all those missed meals. The catch 22 is that when things are mellow I am moving too slowly to have much luck with fish, and when the boat is screaming along I am far less inclined to want sushi on the menu much less on the cockpit floor. But, having the line out gives me something to watch and fuss with though.
The weather forecast calls for continuing flakey conditions, with a small low pressure system coming through. Hopefully nothing dramatic, but the wind looks like it will rotate a full circle around me leaving me guessing as to the best course for the next couple of days. Right now, I am just trying to keep the boat moving smoothly.