
30 August 2010 | Seattle, WA
30 July 2010 | Seattle
28 June 2010 | Friday Harbor, WA
27 June 2010
25 June 2010 | Friday Harbor, WA
24 June 2010 | Off Washington
22 June 2010 | Off Washington
18 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
14 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
10 June 2010 | North of Hawaii
05 June 2010 | North of Hawaii
02 June 2010 | North of the Equator
28 May 2010 | North of the Equator
26 May 2010 | North of the Equator
22 May 2010 | North of the Equator
18 May 2010 | South of the Equator
13 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
11 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean

Frisky Whale

10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
Big excitement for the day was a visit by a very frisky 20' or so pilot whale, or something that looked very similar. I think that it was either playing with our fishing lure or considering eating it and kept charging up behind the boat and surfacing and then turning over and looking at it, or turning away from and coming back from the side. He came right by the stern a couple of times and you could see him underwater. It was pretty incredible, but just a little spooky. He was still pretty big. Like an enormous puppy that you do not want to jump up on you. Seeing as how the fishing line is only 50' long, he was probably about 30' from the boat as he swam up before he would decide to change direction. He probably swam around behind us for 20 minutes before charging the lure, lifting his head, and crashing over the line and then taking off. The grand finale, I guess. It was cool.
Vessel Name: Whisper
Vessel Make/Model: Tartan 37
Hailing Port: Seattle
Crew: Scott, Mary, Timothy and Finn

Who: Scott, Mary, Timothy and Finn
Port: Seattle