Light winds
26 May 2010 | North of the Equator
I am still working my way through the light and fluky winds around the equator and hoping to reach the NE trade winds in about 300 miles. Every day I think come on wind, but will surely miss this easy comfortable sailing where the worst complaint is that is slow and a bit hot. Progress has been remarkably good for as light as the winds have been, Whisper moves well in these conditions. I have been weaving around sailing the heading gives me the best apparent wind and keeps the boat moving most comfortably.
Nothing much to report I made bread for the first time and it was good but no where near as tasty as Mary's. Is the loaf supposed to get any bigger waiting to bake it? Maybe I did not talk nicely enough to my yeast. Hmmmm.
Yesterday was day forty, the number they used in the bible for "damn long time". About 850 miles to go to Hawaii.