Reduced to AM Radio
18 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
I am pretty sure I can just recycle one of these old blog entries and no one will notice.
If you wanted to take polar bears out for a picnic on the boat this is the weather you would order. The last week has been unbelievable, I have never seen conditions this damn cold and foggy for so long on the ocean. Of course to be picky, it has been consistently light but flat as a lake, with the icy wet mist gently wafting the boat along. Cool, that was easy.
On the plus side, I rediscovered the joys of AM radio. Our single side band ships radio can be set to receive AM stations way out here and I have recently been driven to flipping through the channels. I only have reception at night so content is suspect and it has been a brutal reintroduction to US media. Flip Flip: Tonight we will be talking about "Marriage in America" Flip Flip : Lakers come from a 13 point fourth quarter deficit Flip Flip: JESUS wants YOU Flip Flip: Backup on I5 going into Oxnard Flip Flip: Liberals blocking legislation necessary to Flip Flip: Next on classic country, Hank Wailing Flip Flip by firing squad in Utah Flip Flip: One and two pitch, a SWING and a MISS, STRIKE THREE
Last night I could hear traffic reports from Los Angeles to Vancouver , BC.
850 miles to the entrance of the Straights of Juan de Fuca.