
30 August 2010 | Seattle, WA
30 July 2010 | Seattle
28 June 2010 | Friday Harbor, WA
27 June 2010
25 June 2010 | Friday Harbor, WA
24 June 2010 | Off Washington
22 June 2010 | Off Washington
18 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
14 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
10 June 2010 | North of Hawaii
05 June 2010 | North of Hawaii
02 June 2010 | North of the Equator
28 May 2010 | North of the Equator
26 May 2010 | North of the Equator
22 May 2010 | North of the Equator
18 May 2010 | South of the Equator
13 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
11 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean


30 July 2010 | Seattle
Nothing much new to report, we are all enjoying being back together. My first two weeks back passed quickly, house sitting in the San Juan Islands. We enjoyed having the space and comforts of a house, but are happy to be back aboard now. The boys and I sailed Whisper to Seattle while Mary drove the borrowed car; it was wonderful coming back into Shilshole and closing the loop on this stage of the trip. No matter what we do next, this sure has been fun.

A week on the dock was about all we could stand and we are now anchored in Paulsbo visiting with Mary's dad.

As to the future... We are in limbo for the moment trying to get our act together. The current plan is heading south for the winter, but might have a business opportunity that could keep us here instead. The house needs to be re-rented and that may be change things as well.
Vessel Name: Whisper
Vessel Make/Model: Tartan 37
Hailing Port: Seattle
Crew: Scott, Mary, Timothy and Finn

Who: Scott, Mary, Timothy and Finn
Port: Seattle