
30 August 2010 | Seattle, WA
30 July 2010 | Seattle
28 June 2010 | Friday Harbor, WA
27 June 2010
25 June 2010 | Friday Harbor, WA
24 June 2010 | Off Washington
22 June 2010 | Off Washington
18 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
14 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
10 June 2010 | North of Hawaii
05 June 2010 | North of Hawaii
02 June 2010 | North of the Equator
28 May 2010 | North of the Equator
26 May 2010 | North of the Equator
22 May 2010 | North of the Equator
18 May 2010 | South of the Equator
13 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
11 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean

Ground Hog Day

22 March 2009 | Pacific
Is this today, or yesterday? It is blurring together already. This may be because it looks a lot like yesterday, or perhaps because we have been sleeping in such irregular patches it is difficult to say where one day ends and the next begins. On the positive side, this is not a bad day to be stuck in. The air is warm, the sun is out, the water is still a gorgeous blue and as the waves break behind us each one is topped in snowy white foam and edged in turquoise where the sun shines through it.

The breeze is steady and we have not touched the lines for over 24 hours. Our self steering vane loves this point of sail and for the last couple of days we have been along for the ride. Watch-standing responsibility is looking around periodically and checking that we are on course. This is definitely not the fastest point of sail for us though. We keep talking about putting the main up as well and trying to find a reaching angle that would maximize the boat speed. Today this effort was postponed first by a scheduled check in on the radio net, then by lunch, then by a nap, and so on. So far we have not mustered up the initiative and are rolling along at about 5 knots. This would be respectable until you realize that we are moving at about walking speed and have over 2000 miles left to go.

Last evening, Mary and I were both struck by the absurdity of what we were doing. It is pretty pleasant though and look at all the time we get to spend together.
Vessel Name: Whisper
Vessel Make/Model: Tartan 37
Hailing Port: Seattle
Crew: Scott, Mary, Timothy and Finn

Who: Scott, Mary, Timothy and Finn
Port: Seattle