Stardate day seven:
23 March 2009 | Pacific
It was a windy and rolly night. Everyone is getting tired of the crazy motion as the boat careens off the 6 - 8 seas that are coming from several directions. The brochures did not look anything like this!
After lunch we confirmed that the water is warmer than the air by sitting on the rail and dragging our feet in the water. Mom and kids had a very reasoned debate about the risks of sharks and determined that Daddy's legs were much longer and it would probably be safe for them to put their feet in the water because Daddy would get it first.
We had saw two freighters, one last night and one today. This is the big excitement as they are really, really big and always seem to be on a collision course until they are quite close.
Flurries of flying fish are bursting out of the water and zooming off like little glittering pixies. We had two crash on the deck overnight and it turns out they are considerably less attractive up close. Our specimens were a couple of inches long with crazy pectoral fins almost as long as their bodies. This is the closest we have been to a fish so far. After fishing for 7 days with a variety of lures and not a hint of a bite, there might be something to the theory of over fishing in the Pacific. We will be dipping into the canned tuna soon.
1900 miles to go