
30 August 2010 | Seattle, WA
30 July 2010 | Seattle
28 June 2010 | Friday Harbor, WA
27 June 2010
25 June 2010 | Friday Harbor, WA
24 June 2010 | Off Washington
22 June 2010 | Off Washington
18 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
14 June 2010 | Northern Pacific
10 June 2010 | North of Hawaii
05 June 2010 | North of Hawaii
02 June 2010 | North of the Equator
28 May 2010 | North of the Equator
26 May 2010 | North of the Equator
22 May 2010 | North of the Equator
18 May 2010 | South of the Equator
13 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
11 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean
10 May 2010 | Southern Pacific Ocean

Offering to Neptune

24 March 2009 | Pacific
Bon soir nos amies (We started listening to the French tape today, and thankfully have a head start over our dismal showing in Spanish.)

We are still plodding along in conditions virtually identical to yesterday. Mary broke down today and in desperation tried offering Neptune a big shot of rum in hopes that the waves would calm down a bit. It did not seem work and I am pretty sure that it would have been more beneficial filtered through her liver first.

I am happy to report that Finn has started a thriving book store at the nav desk. He has an inventory of what turns out to be a very good selection of our favorite books and is willing to bargain. The store issues its own credit cards and apparently is authorized to print currency. We did have several conversations about customer service / business ethics. At one point today, Finn was requiring everyone that went up or down the stairs to buy a book from him. It appeared to be some combination of a toll system and a monopoly. When we get home we may want to put him in charge of the 520 bridge replacement project.

The excitement this afternoon was spotting a big sea turtle. We oohed and aahed as it passed and we were able to see it at eye level in the waves. Mary amused herself for a time by sitting on a cushion and sliding from one side of the boat to the other as the boat rolled. Other than this it was just another day of hanging out on the boat.
Vessel Name: Whisper
Vessel Make/Model: Tartan 37
Hailing Port: Seattle
Crew: Scott, Mary, Timothy and Finn

Who: Scott, Mary, Timothy and Finn
Port: Seattle