Ghosting across the Pacific
02 April 2009 | Pacific
Almost nothing happened today. The only thing of note is that the water is a different blue in the Southern Hemisphere (I just get a kick out saying Southern Hemisphere and will probably sneak it in a couple more times). It is a clear sparkling blue and we can see very very far down below the boat.
The wind is light; steady, but very light and we are ghosting along at 3.5 - 4.5 knots but not quiet in the direction we need to go. We sailed about 60 miles due south today, but are only 40 miles closer to the islands. We are hoping that the breeze will be stronger as we move farther south.
We spent the afternoon doing miscellaneous boat projects and reading aloud to the kids. Harry Potter is the hero of the day.
I hope all is well and look forward to hearing from home.