Sailing with Bob & Vickie

Vessel Name: Serendipity
Vessel Make/Model: Hunter 41
Hailing Port: Michigan City, Indiana
Crew: Vickie Holsapple and Bob Lucas
Our adventure begins the summer of 2015 - sailing a 2004 Hunter 41 from the cozy home port of Anchors Way Marina in beautiful Saint Joseph, Michigan to destinations south with the goal of wintering in the Bahamas. Our planned route will take us through the great lakes of Michigan, Huron, and Erie [...]
Recent Blog Posts
26 August 2018

Well, we did it! We are finally back where this whole adventure started on Aug 27, 2015 at our home port at St. Joseph, MI. We have put 1,184 hours on Serendipity and traveled about 5,000 miles in three years (with frequent months at home) and we are still speaking to each other. [...]

25 August 2018

Three Days in Grand Haven - This place earns her name!

We spend three days in Grand Haven, MI and we await a weather opening to bring Serendipity to St. Joseph, MI, where this adventure began. We love Grand Haven and are entertained each evening with a phenomenal water light show.

22 August 2018

Snug Harbor at Pentwater, MI - Wow!

2 Great days at Snug Harbor at Pentwater, MI

20 August 2018

Serendipity is back on Lake Michigan

A few stops on Lake Michigan

17 August 2018

Love the boating community

Almost to Lake Michigan

15 August 2018

Lake Huron - we're here!

Enter Lake Huron and the harbors are fairly vacant. Where is everybody? That's okay - the quiet harbors give you time to truly enjoy this beautiful country and the wildlife that I truly hope we can preserve for generations that follow. We have done a small part by delivering a few small land birds, [...]

26 August 2018
Well, we did it! We are finally back where this whole adventure started on Aug 27, 2015 at our home port at St. Joseph, MI. We have put 1,184 hours on Serendipity and traveled about 5,000 miles in three years (with frequent months at home) and we are still speaking to each other. We hope you have enjoyed our blog.

Serendipity has definitely earned her name. We have experienced so many places and met people that will always have a piece of our hearts. To our dear friends in Beaufort, SC, our families, our beloved friends who hopped aboard and those who continually kept in contact - words cannot express what you mean to us - it brings a tear to our eyes.

Love to all!

A recap of our arrival to Anchors Way, St. Joseph, MI

Aug 26 - Leave Grand Haven at 6:29 AM in heavy fog, waters are smooth but so foggy most of the day. At 2:57 PM we are at West Basin Marina to fuel up and pump out then wait for 2 bridges to get Serendipity back to Anchors Way Marina, St Joseph, MI and we arrive at 3:50 PM. Beers with Ken (who bid us bon voyage in 2015), a dip in the pool, showers and relax on the boat. We are home.

Three Days in Grand Haven - This place earns her name!

25 August 2018
We spend three days in Grand Haven, MI and we await a weather opening to bring Serendipity to St. Joseph, MI, where this adventure began. We love Grand Haven and are entertained each evening with a phenomenal water light show.

Aug 23 - Leave Pentwater at 7:05 AM and according to weather reports it shouldn't be a bad traveling today. It is not good - the waves are not especially large but they are coming at such intervals and produce waves that roll the boat - I believe the correct definition is swells. At 1:57 PM, we are glad to be in slip 13 at Grand Haven Municipal Marina. We anticipate bad weather for the next couple days and we are hoping the marina has some no shows because the marina is expecting to be full for a few days and can't promise a spot for us beyond today.

Aug 24 - Water, wind, and waves are as predicted - good to be in a secure marina. We move to slip 16. The marina is not full, many boaters must have changed their plans and decided to stay put rather than fight the wind and waves. The lighthouse is cut off from the pier by waves slapping over the pier.

Aug 25 - We are definitely being rocked to sleep. Sometime during the night a 3/4 inch dock line breaks but Bob replaces with new line. We are planning a long day tomorrow and hope the wind and waves provides a safe passage. We are coming to the end of this awesome adventure.

Picture - Vickie finds time to spend at the fountain where she meets some awesome kids and perhaps provides a little sugar. How did my grandkids grow up so fast?

Snug Harbor at Pentwater, MI - Wow!

22 August 2018
2 Great days at Snug Harbor at Pentwater, MI

8/21/18 Leave Frankfort at 6:37 AM - it is still pretty dark and the water is choppy (some 5 footers). While en route we receive a call from Snug Harbor at Pentwater saying they assume we won't arrive today because of weather and water conditions (not this boat - we are still coming) - all the boats in the Harbor are staying put - so no slips but they can put us on the wall. At 1:15 PM, we arrive at Snug Harbor at Pentwater, MI - this marina and the owners and crew are beyond belief. They pump the fuel and do the most thorough pump out (these might seem like small things but in the boating world, this is quite a treat)l The caliber of service in this marina is what draws us back. We get to stay 2 nights so we can clean the boat, do laundry and shop before heading to Grand Haven. I love a marina where I can actually take a long hot shower off the boat. Wonderful facilities! Thumbs Up!

8/22/18 Lots of laundry, fabulous lunch - loved our server Emily - Good luck at college! We do a little shopping then back to the boat. We really enjoy meeting Bob & Cindy, our boat neighbors, and had the opportunity to teach their granddaughter how to play LCR: She wins every time. Nice evening at Pentwater, MI.

Serendipity is back on Lake Michigan

20 August 2018
A few stops on Lake Michigan

Beaver Island, Northport, & Frankfort

8/18/18 - At 6:20 AM, it's time to leave Cheboygan County Marina. . We are finally on Lake Michigan - Yea! Bob chooses Beaver Island as our next stop so at 1:35 PM we arrive at the Municipal Dock. The Coast Guard comes aboard to check out the boat and we pass the exam - All is good! This is such a Beautiful Island. We are very sad to hear that our sweet neighbor, Maxine Dunker, is no longer with us. Bob, Iris & I loved this lady. We send our prayers and condolences to her family.

8/19/18 - Leave Beaver Island Dock at 7:00 AM and arrive at Northport Marina at 1:12 PM. Bob makes a short trip to the store and then he spends some time working on the boat. We are tied on the wall next an awesome boat named "Warrior - Sailing" - this boat is helping military service members on the water by healing and strengthening. How wonderful! Okay now it is beach time so we actually get to walk into fresh water with soft gorgeous sand below. Lake Michigan has so much to offer. We head back to the boat for a wonderful dinner in the cockpit while enjoying our surroundings. Michigan - what a beautiful state!

8/20/18 - Bid farewell to Northport MI at 6:37 AM, pretty long day. At 2:30 PM we are assisted at our slip at Frankfort Muncipal Marina, Frankfort, MI. Very pretty area just steps from the boat so we venture off the boat for lunch - good choice. We enjoy some tasty food along with a local brew while we soak in the wonderful view at Stormcloud Brewing Company. We stroll through this beautiful town and absolutely love Betsie Bay and the quaint little shops. Vickie can't walk by the ice cream store and Bob can't pass up a stop at the hardware store. This town is a definite Thumbs Up. We hope to revisit this place again.

Love the boating community

17 August 2018
Almost to Lake Michigan

Presque Isle and Cheboygan

8/16/18 - Another early morning as we leave Harrisville, MI at 6:42 AM. Looks like it might be a good day for smooth sailing. I love reading a James Patterson book and chilling out on the boat. At 1:22 PM, we arrive at Presque Isle State Harbor, Presque Isle, MI. The water in the harbor is very clear and this is a beautiful spot. Bob is planning to do some fishing off the boat today. Later in the afternoon Don & Jan Fisher are in the slip next to us. We met them at Harbor Beach Marina and they followed us to Harrisville upon Bob's recommendation and so far they like his choice of spots. I love the path they have chosen - they are committed to having the adventure of a lifetime. They sold their home and most of their belongings (you know the stuff that bogs us down) and are traveling the famous loop.
Before you know it we are sharing stories with other boaters - Tom & Ann O'Donovan - Love our fellow boaters!! The six of us had a wonderful dinner at the marina restaurant. Funny story: Vickie goes to the restaurant to get a table and when Bob shows up he tells the waiter he is looking for a lady in a tablecloth dress and he immediately tells him where I'm sitting. Annie & Jan love my dress and we had so much fun (Annie loves her Walmart dress & Jan loves her Crackerbarrel dress).

8/17/18 - Leave Presque Isle State Harbor at 6:15 AM, Annie radios us and wants to know if I'm wearing my tablecloth dress- funny girl. We make a quick stop at Cheboygan County Marina for fuel and then wait on the bridge and soon we are tied to the Cheboygan City Dock to run a errand in town. Both of us decide we like the County Marina better so at 2:58 PM, we are finally settled in for the night. Another beautiful marina run by the DNR. Dinner on the boat and early to bed. We both enjoy the name of the boat in slip very near "Myasisdragon" - Pretty funny!

Lake Huron - we're here!

15 August 2018
Enter Lake Huron and the harbors are fairly vacant. Where is everybody? That's okay - the quiet harbors give you time to truly enjoy this beautiful country and the wildlife that I truly hope we can preserve for generations that follow. We have done a small part by delivering a few small land birds, who have gone too far out to sea, back to land. What a beautiful, awesome experience!

Aug 13 through Aug 15

8/13/18 -Time to leave St Clair, MI at 8:00 AM - slow travel day going against the current (at times less than 3 knots) but at 1:13 PM we dock at Lexington State Harbor, Lexington, MI. - very few boats. We are now on Lake Huron.

8/14/18 - Leave Lexington State Harbor at 6:05 AM, We do get to use the sails today and arrive at Harbor Beach Marina, Harbor Beach, MI at 12:30 PM. Very vacant marina but we meet Don & Jan Fisher.

8/15/18 At 6:05 AM, we begin our day (actually Vickie went back to bed). We leave Harbor Beach Marina and soon we are cutting across the thumb of Michigan. While en route two small birds hitch a ride - the water is a bit rough and it is windy. We have no clue how these small land birds have gotten so far from land and they are fighting the wind. Before long they find their way into the cockpit and are safely traveling with us. One bird decides to sit on Capt Bob's shoulder "The Pirate of the Great Lakes". I am reminded of Long John Silvers and the parrot on his shoulder but he has nothing on Capt Bob with his parakeet. Traveling on a sailboat is truly awesome. At 2:00 PM we pull into the fuel dock at Harrisville Harbor Refuge, Harrisville, MI. The girls at the dock are very impressive - assisting with fuel and pump-out. This harbor gets another thumbs up!
Serendipity's Photos - Traveling down the Hudson
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Added 9 October 2015

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29 August 2018
42 Photos
22 August 2018
20 Photos