First full day out
10 October 2009 | Half way to Minerva Reef
Mark Whitehouse / 20knts North Easterly cloudy
First full day, we have made good progress about 140 mile since noon yesterday, weather not bad, cloudy, seas 1.5m, we are bearing 205 at 7.5knts. All good, well with the boat anyway.
Milin asked for me to heat the dinner after my watch last night, everything was going swimmingly at that point, so I started preparing the rice and heating the chicken curry, I did not really have my sea legs yet and was getting tossed around a little in the galley, and then it started, the thing I had feared, the thing I had never in my 43 years experienced, sea sickness. I put my head back up above deck a few times, took a tablet and then bam promptly threw up. Luckily not in everyone's dinner.
Oh well I was able to put my head down and get some sleep which did help with the sea sickness but I am still feeling pretty crook and the smell of food just turns my stomach. This could be a very long trip.