Fueled up and ready to go
09 October 2009 | Tonga
Mark Whitehouse / 15 to 20knts Easterly
All fueled up and ready to go, paper work done with Customs and we are ready to go. A final look at the harbour and we are off.
I have to say I am a little nervous, not having done anything like this before I can feel the butterflies in the stomach. The weather forcasts are for reasonable winds but how does this translate to seas in open water? I guess I am about to find out, will I get sick (I never have in the past), will I enjoy the experience, who knows only time will tell.
We head out through the bay and away from the sheltered waters of Nuku'Alofa and into open water, I cant get over the amazing color of the ocean as soon as it gets a bit of sun. Oh well here goes this could either be fantastic or the longest 10 days of my life.