Alegria Around the World

St. Lucia!

December 22
We had to arrive by 4pm so dock hands can help to clear in with Customs. Arrived by 4pm but harbormaster was busy with a mayday call. We got our assigned dock space (after calling the Rodney Bay Marina office) and we tied up on our own. Tried to go to Customs but they closed at 4:30 - we got there at 4:33. Got a drink at Boardwalk then gelato at Elena's then back to boat to get ready for dinner. We walked to Making Memories in Hong Kong (Joy is craving some Asian food) but it was closed. Ended up eating at Dax - slow service! Food ok.

December 23
Got to Customs by 8:30am and we checked in at Rodney Bay Marina. All done by 10am. Moved to dock D28 as the utilities hookup (water and electricity) would be closer to the stern of the boat. Got rental car and went to supermarket. Did chores on boat - made kids' beds and put away the rest of the colder weather bedding (vacuum sealed everything). Finished checking in as we had to fill out immigration forms online as well - went at 11:30 but they were already closed and asked to return at 1:30pm. Todd went back by 1:15 and got completely checked in. Todd also went to the marine store to get extension needed so we can hook up to the electricity. We left for the airport by 2pm. Scary roads as they are steep and not wide. Arrived to UVF airport by 3:30pm. Kids didn't get out of airport until 4:30pm. We drove around to find a place to eat but no success. We ended up driving back to the Rodney Bay (in the dark) and arrive by 7:45pm. Unloaded car then kids freshened up. We ate at Bosun's at the marina.

December 24
Kids slept in so Todd did chores and I did my TRX exercises. Trinity came by selling fresh tuna so we bought one - overpaid for $60 but Todd got to fillet it. I also bought a cookbook from a lady selling it for charity. Are we suckers or what? By 2pm, we drove to Pigeon Point Beach. Water was nice and sand white - Sandals Resort is next door. We got snacks at the nearby restaurant - fish fingers and grilled conch both with fries and Piton beers. It started to rain so after our snack, we headed back. Got ready for dinner - 6:30pm at Sea Salt in the marina. After ,we attended Christmas vigil at the nearby church (majority of St. Lucians are Catholic). Beautiful mass but long - 3 hours. Back to the boat by 12:30am!

Some photos...
