Alegria Around the World

Clark flies home then we head to Marigot Bay, St. Lucia

January 1

Left anchorage by 7am for Vieux Fort, St. Lucia. Winds strong in the beginning then got less. Made breakfast sandwiches. Motor sailed some. Arrived Vieux Fort by 12pm and anchored. Had an hour to just relax. At 2pm, Todd brought Clark to shore to catch his taxi ride with Ashley to airport - $15USD for the trip. After, we picked up anchor and headed towards Marigot Bay. Arrived by 6pm and got a mooring ball with Marigot Yacht Haven. Ended up having dinner onboard but we took the dinghy to Chateau Mygo for drinks and back to boat by 9pm.

Sad Clark left but he has the MCAT test on January 24 (his birthday) so he wanted to get home to study.

Photos of the day...
