Cruising on Alexia

An informal update of our travels for Family and Friends

05 September 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
20 June 2013 | William wears kneepads to protect from the heat of the deck
17 June 2013 | Torrential rain for six hours
13 June 2013 | Herring Bay off Chesapeake Bay
08 June 2013 | Miles River, Maryland
08 June 2013 | Amelia at the helm with a helping hand from DAD
28 May 2013 | Just a short half mile journey across the River
27 May 2013 | Free dockage at the city marina
24 May 2013 | Narrow and shallow
24 May 2013 | Visitor Centre Dock
24 May 2013 | We're at the top
24 May 2013 | Going up
24 May 2013 | The gates close behind us

Dockage for dining

22 December 2011 | White Sound, Abacos
White Sound, Abacos
The temptation of the dockage for dining deal was too good to resist and we have spent two nights in the Marina at Bluff House Resort where the restaurant menu was surprisingly good with generous portions of local lobster and fish topping the list. . It was also helpful to be ashore to deal with the laundry and getting it done in one hit rather than ferrying it to and from Alexia in the anchorage.

The word 'resort' perhaps creates the wrong image - there are no shops, no discos, no crowds - pretty cottages are scattered up the hillside - most are for rent, some are second homes for private owners - the whole area has a feeling of peace and solitude about it.

This is the winter season here in the Bahamas and so there are, not surprisingly, few people around - but come the summer the place apparently is full both at the marina and the cottage complex. A good business also picks up for wedding receptions - the Bahamas is still a magnet for romance.

We take a shaded walk of a few hundred yards under a canopy of tropical trees to a deserted beach on the other side of the island..

Vessel Name: Alexia
Vessel Make/Model: Hallberg Rassy 42 built in 1998. She's extremely comfortable aboard with two ensuite cabins. Endless useful equipment like microwave, bilge pump counter, bowthrusters, Mastervolt generator, air conditioning, 12v freezer,
Hailing Port: London, United Kingdom
Crew: William Spouse and Frances Rogers
About: William has been a competitive sailor most of his life and introduced Frances to the boating life 29 years ago. In that time they have chartered many sailboats in Europe and the Caribbean finally purchasing Alexia in 2007.