Cruising on Alexia

An informal update of our travels for Family and Friends

05 September 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
20 June 2013 | William wears kneepads to protect from the heat of the deck
17 June 2013 | Torrential rain for six hours
13 June 2013 | Herring Bay off Chesapeake Bay
08 June 2013 | Miles River, Maryland
08 June 2013 | Amelia at the helm with a helping hand from DAD
28 May 2013 | Just a short half mile journey across the River
27 May 2013 | Free dockage at the city marina
24 May 2013 | Narrow and shallow
24 May 2013 | Visitor Centre Dock
24 May 2013 | We're at the top
24 May 2013 | Going up
24 May 2013 | The gates close behind us

Christmas Anticipation

23 December 2011
White Sound anchorage, Green Turtle Cay
The anchorage is filling up day by day - over 40 boats now anchored in White Sound with more coming up the channel- mostly Canadian & US flagged - we are the only Brits, which is good for making friends as most of the cruisers come by in their dinghies to say Hi. The two resorts are on the VHF several times a day advertising their special deals for Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.

Boats all around us are getting decorated - some simply, with just a string of lights along the boom others are really clustered with snowmen, Christmas trees hoisted up the mast, reindeer - all lit at night and looking fantastic.

On Alexia, William puts up the garlands and lights in the cabin, on deck our baby Christmas tree starts to look jolly and we put new batteries into our 'electric' candles. A new addition to our cockpit 'ambiance' lighting is our homemade rope light - 4 x 12" strips of amber LEDs which we purchased from Autozone - a bit like Halfords in the UK but 50 times the variety of stocked items - this has been fed into the zipped top seam of the canopy and gives subltle lighting when dining on deck.

Did I forget to mention they all needed to be connected together and soldered? An impossible tool is the soldering makes great little balls of solder that roll everywhere but getting the solder to actually weld itself onto the wires was a different story.

Vessel Name: Alexia
Vessel Make/Model: Hallberg Rassy 42 built in 1998. She's extremely comfortable aboard with two ensuite cabins. Endless useful equipment like microwave, bilge pump counter, bowthrusters, Mastervolt generator, air conditioning, 12v freezer,
Hailing Port: London, United Kingdom
Crew: William Spouse and Frances Rogers
About: William has been a competitive sailor most of his life and introduced Frances to the boating life 29 years ago. In that time they have chartered many sailboats in Europe and the Caribbean finally purchasing Alexia in 2007.