Red Sky in the Morning
24 December 2011
White Sound Anchorage

Sunrise is glorious this morning and early clouds soon disappear. We also have a whole batch of emails land in the Inbox before breakfast but the internet signal dies on us before we can get out the first reply.
The day is hotting up and cruisers are on the move - dinghies dashing about all over the place getting final chores done before Christmas Day - one couple organizing the pot luck cruisers lunch on the beach tomorrow is visiting everyone in the anchorage to make sure the invitation is had by all.
We were amazed to see another Hallberg Rassy in the anchorage right next to us, there aren't many around - it had arrived really early this morning and William dinghied over to say hello to Carl the owner and they chat boats for some time. She is a 40ft 2005 model in pristine condition with inmast furling and 6.5ft draft..
He has just relaunched his boat after laying her up for the season. Unfortunately, when hurricane Irene came through in August, the boat had toppled off its chocks and, although suffering only minor damage to itself, had managed to obliterate the boat next to it and damaged two others. It reminds us just what tough boats these are whether at sea or on land!
Carl joins us for Christmas Eve dinner at Bluff House Marina - a great selection of food and an unusual 'side' with the Turkey was candied yams drizzled with molten marshmellows - William wrinkled his nose but I was determined to try it and it was absolutely delicious.