Happy Christmas
25 December 2011
White Sound, Abacos

I think there's something in my biological clock that gets me up early on Christmas morning - maybe Father Christmas did arrive last night........
No chance! But, hey...Father Christmas is here!! Laughter and chatting start drifting over the anchorage and there, sure enough, is the man himself in a dinghy! One of the cruisers is making the rounds fully dressed in red and giving each boat a small gift of a perfumed stick smelling heavily of pine trees - he said it would make the Canadians in the anchorage feel at home.
At midday we went ashore for the cruisers pot luck lunch on the beach. There were over 100 of us. We all took ashore something to eat and it was laid out on a long table for everyone to help themselves - there were legs of glazed ham, pastas, salads, hot potato dishes, ribs, desserts, pastries.....it was just incredible what people had prepared on their boats.
With the demise of our cooker before we left the US, William had 'poached' our stuffed turkey breast in a zip lock plastic bag on the Coleman camping hob the previous day. We took it ashore cold, sliced with a huge dish of cranberry jelly next to it - it was really rather good despite the cooking procedure being non standard.
Chris off the Catamaran Felix also brought her full size piano keyboard ashore and sing-alongs continued well into the afternoon.