The Fickle Finger of Fate!
24 January 2012
Man O War Cay, Abacos

That unseen and unforeseeable force that controls the destiny of all living things........
Today has started like many others - the sun is up, coffee on deck, breakfast laid out, the crew meeting takes place, the plan for the day is set and...... well......usually, that's where it ends because after the clearing up, the washing up, the making of the bed, the after-breakfast siesta, the discussion about what to have for lunch/dinner, checking the emails and remembering that we still have yesterday's jobs to complete........we often stay exactly where we are!
TODAY IS DIFFERENT - we ARE going to catch fish!
We had been talking to a local fisherman a few nights ago who, having looked carefully over his shoulder, turned to us and said in a hushed whisper that the best fishing was out to the 150 ft deep 'ledge' on the Atlantic ocean side of Man O War Cay - take either the north or south channel out depending on the wind.
Encouraged by this, William had spent yesterday in preparation -almost the entire contents of the fishing department being neatly laid out on deck - rods, reels, lines, rolls of monofilament, leaders, hooks, weights, floats, bait, barrel swivels, lock snaps, lures, rubber worms, spoons, fish would be safe out there today!
So, now we are ready for the expedition - we raise the jib and pass out through the south channel. With breakers on each side it is a little lumpy to start with but soon smoothes out to gentle swells. We head for the deep -within a couple of hours we will be laden with fish!
Crew involvement is needed. Jill and I get organized with gloves, gaff, knife, pliers, line nippers, sunglasses, hats, sunscreen, lip balm.....and a whole lot of patience. The hours pass - not a bite! the only things tugging at the line are plugs of weed which foul the hook with irritating regularity, requiring us to wind in several hundred yards of extended line each time to clear the snag.
There was much discussion about where the fish were and why they weren't here, who was catching them - and 'that guy in the bar said ...blah blah....'
By the end of the afternoon William is a little despondent as he reels in the line for the last time but suddenly it tightens and WAM! We have a fish - a beautiful vermillion snapper.
Unfortunately, whilst gutting and filleting the snapper a while later the knife sliced a goodly flap of skin off his little finger - there was so much blood it was unbelievable.
Having pieced it back together again, as best one can when the patient keeps saying "ouch, don't hurt me" and 'don't you think I need stitches?", I am pleased to report that there were no deteriorating after effects which required a doctor.
The snapper fillets were delicious - quickly sauteed in lemon butter and served with mashed potato.