Cruising on Alexia

An informal update of our travels for Family and Friends

05 September 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
20 June 2013 | William wears kneepads to protect from the heat of the deck
17 June 2013 | Torrential rain for six hours
13 June 2013 | Herring Bay off Chesapeake Bay
08 June 2013 | Miles River, Maryland
08 June 2013 | Amelia at the helm with a helping hand from DAD
28 May 2013 | Just a short half mile journey across the River
27 May 2013 | Free dockage at the city marina
24 May 2013 | Narrow and shallow
24 May 2013 | Visitor Centre Dock
24 May 2013 | We're at the top
24 May 2013 | Going up
24 May 2013 | The gates close behind us

A Puff of Wind

14 January 2012
Man O War Cay - Gt Abaco Island
We are trying to keep to our simple rule that unless the wind blows us to our destination we don't go. Of course, this can backfire - as the wind is often in the 'wrong' direction most of the time in relation to where we want to go, which means that we break our golden rule more often than not!

Today we're in luck.

We raise the anchor, hose off the encrusted sand, set the jib and take advantage of the lightest, gentlest, warmest zephyr of a breeze which occasionally puffs at the sail to take us forward to Marsh Harbour just five miles away.

Going so slowly and quietly, without engine vibration, also means that the usually elusive green turtles don't feel so threatened - we saw many swimming close to the surface, rising occasionally to breathe - pre-historic, lizard-like heads breaking the surface, turning like periscopes to take a look around - large, bulging, dark eyes focused on us for a split second before dropping back below the surface.

We finally reach Marsh Harbour four hours later and take a slip alongside at the Marina. We prefer to anchor off but with our guest, Jilly, arriving tomorrow from sub-zero Vancouver there are jobs to be done.

We assemble our bikes and hurtle off at speed to do a little basic provisioning.
Vessel Name: Alexia
Vessel Make/Model: Hallberg Rassy 42 built in 1998. She's extremely comfortable aboard with two ensuite cabins. Endless useful equipment like microwave, bilge pump counter, bowthrusters, Mastervolt generator, air conditioning, 12v freezer,
Hailing Port: London, United Kingdom
Crew: William Spouse and Frances Rogers
About: William has been a competitive sailor most of his life and introduced Frances to the boating life 29 years ago. In that time they have chartered many sailboats in Europe and the Caribbean finally purchasing Alexia in 2007.