Cruising on Alexia

An informal update of our travels for Family and Friends

05 September 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
20 June 2013 | William wears kneepads to protect from the heat of the deck
17 June 2013 | Torrential rain for six hours
13 June 2013 | Herring Bay off Chesapeake Bay
08 June 2013 | Miles River, Maryland
08 June 2013 | Amelia at the helm with a helping hand from DAD
28 May 2013 | Just a short half mile journey across the River
27 May 2013 | Free dockage at the city marina
24 May 2013 | Narrow and shallow
24 May 2013 | Visitor Centre Dock
24 May 2013 | We're at the top
24 May 2013 | Going up
24 May 2013 | The gates close behind us

Great Scott...!! A Castle...!

25 January 2012
Man O War Cay - Tilloo Cay
Following the injury to Williams's finger yesterday we aren't planning anything too strenuous for the next few days, deciding only to relocate from our current anchorage off Man O War Cay down to Tilloo Cay.

As the parrot flies, it's only about 6 miles and there is a detour around shallow water which slightly extends the journey.

Tilloo Cay stretches its thin shape for four miles north to south, opposite Gt Abaco Island and butted up to Elbow Cay. It creates some delightful sheltered anchorages on its western shore and its wild and natural environment provides nesting for tropic birds as well as other seabirds.

However, the Cay is also classed as one of the most luxurious retreats in the Bahamas and the National Park shares its land with some impressive residential and high-end rental vacation homes..

We arrive just after lunch - no other boats are in sight and we take a prime anchoring spot behind a little hook of land giving us total protection from the swell surging through Tilloo Cut about a mile away.

Looking ashore, we are intrigued to see a 'castle' nestled among the palms. A luxury home for sale at a mere $6.9m - includes seaplane hangar, private dock and any other must-have that you can think of.

Coincidentally, tonight is Burns Night - this looks like just the location for it.

Vessel Name: Alexia
Vessel Make/Model: Hallberg Rassy 42 built in 1998. She's extremely comfortable aboard with two ensuite cabins. Endless useful equipment like microwave, bilge pump counter, bowthrusters, Mastervolt generator, air conditioning, 12v freezer,
Hailing Port: London, United Kingdom
Crew: William Spouse and Frances Rogers
About: William has been a competitive sailor most of his life and introduced Frances to the boating life 29 years ago. In that time they have chartered many sailboats in Europe and the Caribbean finally purchasing Alexia in 2007.