Cruising on Alexia

An informal update of our travels for Family and Friends

05 September 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
27 June 2013
20 June 2013 | William wears kneepads to protect from the heat of the deck
17 June 2013 | Torrential rain for six hours
13 June 2013 | Herring Bay off Chesapeake Bay
08 June 2013 | Miles River, Maryland
08 June 2013 | Amelia at the helm with a helping hand from DAD
28 May 2013 | Just a short half mile journey across the River
27 May 2013 | Free dockage at the city marina
24 May 2013 | Narrow and shallow
24 May 2013 | Visitor Centre Dock
24 May 2013 | We're at the top
24 May 2013 | Going up
24 May 2013 | The gates close behind us

The Lesser of Two Weevils

03 February 2012
Marsh Harbour, Gt Abaco Island
Our guest Jill departs tomorrow so, with an early start at 5.30 am next day, we decide on a celebratory dinner Italian-style - some good wine, something with pasta and a finale of coffee and a 'stomach settler' of Marsala with a crisp biscotti....

Leaving Jill and William chatting in the cockpit I go to the galley and start to prepare the feast and, at first, the black specs in William's gluten free rice pasta don't worry me until they started to move - and then it becomes clear I am watching a mass movement of snout beetles, aka weevils!

In the old days life aboard boats was anything but comfortable - rats gnawed through anything, food spoiled or became infested, freshwater turned foul, food became scarce and seaman would often eat their food in the dark to avoid seeing the weevils that infested their biscuits....... Not tonight!

I put on every light I can and debate with the crew whether they would prefer something else for dinner as my spatula goes splat! splat! splat! chasing bugs over the work surface. They wont hear of it, after all weevils aren't poisonous, they are vegetarian, and once they hit boiling water will float to the surface and can be skimmed off. So, pasta was served - any black specks and crunchy bits being put down to my use of dried herbs.

I learn later that weevils can be present in any grain or rice products that you buy from supermarkets because manufacturing and packaging factories are never clear of them. They can eat through cardboard, plastic bags, including the liners in cereal boxes, and once they are in your pantry or storage cupboard can move to other similar products that you have in store and lay their eggs..

My pic is a bit deceiving, they aren't huge, but extremely tiny bugs - almost attractive, with a long pointy nose - and it's not too difficult to get rid of them.
Vessel Name: Alexia
Vessel Make/Model: Hallberg Rassy 42 built in 1998. She's extremely comfortable aboard with two ensuite cabins. Endless useful equipment like microwave, bilge pump counter, bowthrusters, Mastervolt generator, air conditioning, 12v freezer,
Hailing Port: London, United Kingdom
Crew: William Spouse and Frances Rogers
About: William has been a competitive sailor most of his life and introduced Frances to the boating life 29 years ago. In that time they have chartered many sailboats in Europe and the Caribbean finally purchasing Alexia in 2007.