St Patrick's Day - Dinghy Drift
17 March 2013
Hope Town Harbour

Bill and Gill arrived from the UK yesterday and we are alongside Mangoes Marina, MH well placed on the right side of the harbor for getting into town and we do need to provision. They are doing the crossing back to the US with us but we want to make sure they see as much of the Abacos as we can fit in before departure.
This means leaving Marsh Harbor tomorrow and getting to Elbow Cay for a party in celebration of St Patricks Day.
A ' dinghy drift' has been organized in Hope Town Harbour and B&G have come prepared - green bow ties, feather boas in white, orange and green. (click on this link for more pictures)
The party started at 3pm and more and more cruisers joined the group until there were almost 36 dinghies. William sported his best green shirt and the green bow complete with a green flashing LED. It was great fun and very alcoholic. I don't know how many were of Irish extraction but it didn't really matter. Plates of snacks were passed from boat to boat .
Our island of dinghies floated across the harbor, weaving its way though the mooring field, each connected to the other by light lines and 'herded' by organisers in 3 separate dinghies.