20 October 2010 | Glorietta Bay, Coronado, CA

So our free ride ran out on Shelter Island and we had to move down here to the slums in Glorietta Bay just south of Coronado Island. Well, if you know anything about Coronado Island, you know that it is far from being the slums. The San Diego Harbor Police were nice enough to give us Baja'ers a free anchorage all to ourselves while we wait for our departure on Monday the 25th.
So far, there are only 4 boats in the anchorage. I guess everyone else is either still enroute to San Diego, staying in swanky marinas in North Bay or just hiding out. In any case, we are enjoying our stay. We are just a few yards off the golf course and a short dinghy ride away from the Coronado Yacht Club. The weather has been total crap (reminds us of Washington in the winter time)! It has been cool, overcast and rainy for the past several days. Where in the world is the sunny southern California weather? We dinghy'd in yesterday and it started raining just after we headed out. We were all soaked! We walked around town, tried to dry off in Starbucks, and laughed all the way.
The other night, we had dinner with Patrick, Tammy, and Jack from sv Santosha. They are another family doing the Ha Ha and the only other family we have met with a kid on board. Jack, Christian and Abby hit it off immediately and we all had a great time together.
While waiting for the Baja Ha Ha to start, we have been exploring the town, climbing trees, visiting West Marine and Downwind Marine, completing some menial boat tasks, homeschooling the kids, and trying not to hemorrhage all our money. Tomorrow, we hope to finish some laundry, run a few errands, top off the scuba tanks, get Toby washed and groomed, tour the USS Midway, and spend some time with a good friend from Olympia. Friday, we are headed back to La Playa anchorage on Shelter Island so we are closer to all the action for the start of the Ha Ha.