04 October 2024 | Canton, Maryland
Thursday 3 October 2024
Are citizens of Baltimore called Baltimorons? For some recondite reason Jan suggests asking would be inappropriate. Never sailed into here before, but previously spent a few days while passing through before bussing to Annapolis for the show. Enjoyed downtown. We're in Canton slightly downriver from Inner Harbor. Plan to dink up later today after, of course, a visit to Safeway for fruits and veggies. We're packed to the gills with food, but Jan's a market junkie. Meantime there are a free dinghy dock, a Starbucks, a West Marine, good restaurants and Irish pubs (Claddagh's last night, Starbucks right now), so contentment reigns. Added bonus: large, spotted moths with bright red butts.
Small north wind Saturday to head south, then better Monday. Thought about ducking into St. Michael's and then Annapolis afterward, but wind not with that program. Although need to schedule a bit of repair work, no rush and anyway impossible until after show as everyone is whelmed over. Nevertheless, may go direct Annapolis next few days and hang out in great town as show is put together.
Halloween decorations began appearing early last month. Bought eggnog at grocery a week ago. Egad! Expect to see lighted lawn Santas any time now. People love the concept of an avuncular, corpulent alcoholic (red nose is a dead giveaway) showering them with free goodies based on their rectitude. Problem is that naughty or nice is binary. How does the old toper determine which side of the line you're on if it's close? Of course everyone thinks he's worthy. Especially me. Hey Big Guy how about a primo Hylas 54 and a cabin in the Swiss Alps? We could also use some cash for maintenance. Totally deserving!
Jack & Jan