02 November 2024 | En Route Tampa
Friday 1 November 2024
'November' is taken from the Latin word for nine. But, you may query
in puzzlement, it's the eleventh month. What up? Glad you're so keen
to know. September (seven), October (eight) and December (ten) were
also named for their positions. Seems that Etruscan/Roman calendar
only had ten months. Julius Caesar, showing a bit of perspicacity,
added two months at beginning of year that then began on 1 January
instead of 1 March and added a leap day on 24 February (OK, he missed
that one slightly and also missed removing extra day every 400 years,
but still not bad). Could have added two months at end (undecim and
duodecim - eleven and twelve), but perhaps felt a little contrary that
day. Changing calendar may have been easier than messing with last
four names, but considering Romans spoke Latin for quite some time
thereafter, must have been a wee bit confusing. JC did this in 45 BCE.
Of course, he didn't know it was 45 BCE. Current numbering started in
525 and took centuries to catch on. He thought it was 709 starting at
the founding of Rome - Romans were very impressed with themselves.
Since calendar was by then way off he had also annoyed everyone by
sticking sixty seven days into previous year to get back in sync. No
wonder they stabbed him to death. All you people who want to gain or
lose an hour twice a year, take a lesson. Et tu?
We're motoring to Ocean Yacht Marina across from Norfolk with a nearly
thirty knot wind near the bow. Planned to be slightly early for 1300
check-in. Nuh guh hapn! No worries. Not much to do rest of day
except pack for early go tomorrow. Also, it's warm & sunny and we got
through open Hampton Roads before sea really picked up. Could be
- Later
Schweinshaxe was favorite meal an eon ago while stationed at Rhein
Main, Germany, flying for NATO. Bier Garden in Portsmouth presented an
opportunity to try it again. Was not disappointed. Irish Stout was
perfect match and day ended well.
Another adventure in air travel today. Metal joints set off detector
in Global Entry pre-check security line (you know, the easy one) and
although TSA pedant was informed of cause and despite having nearby one
of those X-ray machines that can reveal the freckles on your butt, was
forced to remove belt & shoes and sustain a level of intimacy that
normally requires a fifth date. My comment, "you've got to be
(expletive deleted) kidding", possibly not helpful. We then missed
first standby flight, but got on next to Atlanta. Connection from
there to Tampa is wide open he insists confidently.
Jack & Jan