He's A Cut-up
16 November 2024 | En Route Portsmouth
Sunday 3 November 2024
Not to whinge too much about trudging through airports to fly on airplanes, but it still sucks. First flight yesterday showed available seats, but most standbys were left at gate. However, we got on next flight, that showed overbooked. Flight to Tampa where every flight is almost always jammed was half full so we got our own row. Anyway, made it, got the car and didn't have to fight traffic that has gotten much worse in fifteen years since it was home, to friend Angela's place where we'll camp.
Tuesday - no, not the next one, the one after
Two weeks of seeing doctors & dentist, buying out Costco and otherwise just laying about. A minor procedure on left knee Friday, then we return to boat Saturday. Great catching up with longtime friends around the old homestead, but look forward to seeing a few of the cruising mate mob who will likely be in Portsmouth upon our return.
Surgery went fine, but incision began bleeding and won't stop. Thought it would be small, but cut is length of original installation. Blood's bright red. Hope it stops before total exsanguination. That would be pretty annoying for Jan as paperwork would delay her even further and she'd have to sail the boat by herself. She's well capable, but it would be a handful - the real reason she hasn't yet tossed me overboard tied to spare anchor. Early flights show full, so little harm in delaying until later in day when more open and after contacting physician.
My doctor was in surgery, so phone-in doc said OK to fly back to Norfolk. If we're out of town blame would be harder to place. Pretty sure he didn't give his name.
Now in Atlanta waiting for connecting flight that looks open. Removed soaked gauze and repacked wound in empty spot near gate. Hope no one gets all fussy about bleed through onto pants. Good thing panic over covid and AIDs has cooled a bit.
Home sweet home. In bed early with drugs, change of bandages and hot tea.
Jack & Jan