A Bleeding Long Interval
04 December 2024 | Beaufort
Wednesday 20 November 2024
Malingering is great fun for awhile, but then makes one a bit weary. Day five after surgery, keeping leg elevated and still bleeding. Went to emergency room yesterday where doctor squeezed out a copiousness of blood, then super glued the incision and re-wrapped. Didn't help. Sloth is slipping from top spot in hierarchy of favored deadly sins as gluttony advances. Never thought to look appreciatively on the joys of boat work.
Sunday 24
Apologize for more medical crap. Returned to hospital Friday where we (mostly my personal nurse) badgered doctors into a couple of staples, a vacuum bandage, leg brace and appointment for review by orthopedist Monday, 2 December. After two days, even with limited exertion, progress is marginal.
Friday 29
Ever notice that the more time you have to do things the less gets done? Perhaps it's just me. This is, of course, by way of excusing a nearly complete lack of productive accomplishment including this blog, whether or not you consider it a constructive use of time.
Although brace and wee vacuum pump still on (expiring today), bleeding finally stopped around Wednesday even with straight-leg, slow toddle into town and back. Plan no more updates about this annoying episode.
Forecast for sailing around Cape Hatteras in near future is equally vexatious as wind is either too strong, from the wrong direction or both. Desire to escape low temperatures may induce using the ditch (ICW), although it's not much warmer until Florida, but winds further south may be more conducive to continuing south more furtherer - cannot happen soon enough.
Speaking of which, anybody remember the recreational whingeing attendant to temperatures below twenty Celsius? Do ya, well, do ya? One might have detected a tinge of flippant humor in those maunderings, but with the mercury plunging below zero, jocularity ain't in it no more. There aren't enough clothing layers on a tropically oriented yacht to brook humor.
Wednesday 4
Last of parts shipments came yesterday afternoon, so beat feet down ICW to Great Bridge Locks, stopping for the night just short of Great Bridge Bridge. Tied up at free Great Bridge Transient Landing and walked into Great Bridge for dinner and groceries. Locals seem particularly enamored of their name. It was great.
Motored into strong current and twenty knot wind today, expecting thirty tomorrow morning. Plan long, slow, three days to arrive near Beaufort for staging across Gulf Stream en route Port Antonio, Jamaica. Have date with several cruising mates for Christmas Eve with no intention to welcome Santa sober.
This entry took a fortnight to complete. That is not as long as one might assume because forts (bespeaking war, destruction, dismemberment and death) induce anxiety, making nights seem much longer.
Jack & Jan