Streaming Along
20 December 2024 | Grand Bahamas Bound
Saturday 14 December 2024
Escaped Friday the thirteenth unscathed. Probably would have suffered misfortune if superstitious. Nocebo effect. We just say no.
Good visit with longtime mate, Rich. Met in Air Force fifty one years ago. Man, that guy must be really old. Drank and ate too much - all his fault, entirely. Murrell's Inlet OK place except local West Marine closed on Sunday and Monday. What up widdat? Had to scavenge around to find replacement secondary bilge pump. Had no problem, however, finding decent bar in which to drink and eat too much.
Last few weeks of very high seas have moderated. Too much wind has now become too little. Not wanting to delay further, have been motoring and motor-sailing since departure this morning. Someone should talk to Aeolus about this situation. We're quite annoyed with him. However, Neptune has made waves semi not awful and Thor has so far been quiescent so not completely cheesed with gods in general.
North wind against north flowing current can pile up nasty seas, so given break in changing forecast shot across Gulf Stream overnight. Boat in two meter waves had Tourette's, making moving around a bit awkward, but no huge lunges. Now heading downwind, south toward Grand Bahamas. Still have over two meters with insufficient wind to stabilize motion. Perhaps tomorrow. Expect arrival Freeport/Lucaya Saturday. We have dockage for two weeks at the Grand Bahamas Yacht Club. Sounds impressive, but how good could it be if not expensive and they allow itinerant cruiser trash.
At 0400 began sailing and shut off diabolical, dastardly diesel. Generally don't insult it aloud as the thing has now over fifteen thousand hours, is sensitive and may sense a hostile environment in a toxic workplace. We don't want that! Fortunately it has no computer and doesn't read. Finally had good conditions and comfortable motion. Should continue thusly into Lucaya. Shortened sail to prevent arriving too early after averaging seven knots even against a variable, but mostly adverse current east of Stream. Friends left St Augustine yesterday, crossed over last night and were ten nm behind us. it's a big honkin' cat, so could catch us before tomorrow.
Jack & Jan