Ho, Ho, Ho And A Bottle Of Rum
27 December 2024 | Grand Bahama Yacht Club
Monday 23 December 2024
Christmas is a couple days off, but prospects are unfavorable for a visit from Santa; we have no chimney. His charitable corpulence could come in via cowl vent and dorade box, but unlikely he's that supple. Anyway, much of crew is on his naughty list and could only expect a switch or a lump of coal. No matter her exemplary essence, Jan is guilty by association, so will also get bugger all.
Most people have heard of Freeport, Bahamas, but we are nearby in Lucaya. It's the actual port and also more touristy. Except for a small cafe in marina, not much where we are, but a free ferry will take us across harbour to numerous restaurants and bars. That transport ends at 1800, but taxis are available for ten Bahamian bucks, same as USD, to get back home.
Not wanting to cook last night we ferried over to Rum Runners Bar & Grill and bumped into crew from Deo Juvante, who kept us out latish (we seldom do actual late) and forced us, forced I say, to over-indulge in adult beverages. They are here to lay up their catamaran in commercial yard, rent an apartment for a few days then fly to UK where Paul will attempt to have surgery on his back (NHS.. good luck). Their plan is to peddle their cat here and buy a real sailboat (monohull), but if unable will sail to Europe and sell there. Wonder if Ft. Lauderdale might be better. Paul is from UK and Eugenie is French, but now citizens of Australia. We know a lot of expat nomads who don't live in even their adopted countries.
On Christmas day Jan returned car borrowed previous night after dinner including a sufficiency of potation to Paul & Eugenie's temporary abode and rode her folding bike back to boat while maintenance crew listened to and watched NFL (American football for the non-cognoscenti) on Netflix in minimum gaps between rebuilding aft marine head that was clogged in worst possible fashion. Another beautiful Christmas in paradise.
This morning we collect our own rental car to pick up Jan's BFF, Lesley (she's a Canadian expat from San Francisco and certifiable, but we love her), from Grand Bahama Freeport Airport. She'll be with us for a week after which we continue south. Plan Panama sometime in February to meet a mob of mates before they transit the Canal in March or April, cross the Pacific and return home to Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. We have few clues as to our doings thenceforth.
Happy Holidays to everyone. May you have universally good surprises in 2025.
Jack & Jan