Kama Hele (aspen's version)

07 July 2010
05 July 2010
05 July 2010
04 July 2010
25 June 2010
24 June 2010
23 June 2010
15 June 2010
14 June 2010
13 June 2010 | Sumter SC
12 June 2010
12 June 2010
11 June 2010
08 June 2010 | SUMTERRR!!!
03 June 2010
01 June 2010
30 May 2010
29 May 2010


08 June 2010
Sophie is one of my besties, earning the one of the top spots as my best friend alongside mia and Joshie.
Age:14; Hair:brown; Height:5'6; eyes:brown; she's insulting, and weird, but insanely great! She's been my buddy since the 6th grade. Her meals consist of popcorn and pasta, and thats about it.
We've had cookies and popcorn for dinner before. I suggested real food, but some people just dont listen. she hates skating and Grape soda. she like nachos. and Texting. I cant think of anything more and am half asleep, so thats it for now.okay. That didnt have enough detail. I feel the need to add more. She is sooo hillarious when she tries. She tells me the honest truth even when i dont want to hear it. She lets me know what i need to know. Not want to know. She's ve5rrrryyyy pretty, and i truly believe that. She can get any guy she wants, and usually does when she tries.:) when she has he5r mind set on something she gets it. Not when it comes to me though. We all know i'm a STONE!! hahaha jk.I couldnt have picked a bette5r person to know just about everything about me. She's so great. and all of you that know her know that, and all of you that dont i wish you get to meet her.
Vessel Name: Kama Hele
Vessel Make/Model: '77 Litton Trawler
Hailing Port: Chatt., TN
Crew: Kevin, Lori, Annakah, and Aspen
About: Kevin is our captain, Lori is our first mate, annakah is the 2nd mate and aspen is the deck swabber.

Kama Hele

Who: Kevin, Lori, Annakah, and Aspen
Port: Chatt., TN