Kama Hele (aspen's version)

07 July 2010
05 July 2010
05 July 2010
04 July 2010
25 June 2010
24 June 2010
23 June 2010
15 June 2010
14 June 2010
13 June 2010 | Sumter SC
12 June 2010
12 June 2010
11 June 2010
08 June 2010 | SUMTERRR!!!
03 June 2010
01 June 2010
30 May 2010
29 May 2010

07 July 2010
Yo!! I'm sittin here in the boat, watching Tyra, we're stuck in the same place as we stopped yesterday, So were just hangin out. Annakah is texting ben( I think) and my mom is sewing, and I'm trying to find something to do. HAHAHA!!!! Now my mom is all quizzing Annakah on what she's "hiding" haha. She left me alone. Lol. I'm too cool. We have decided that she's pregnant, and shipping the baby off to ben using UPS. Yea... I really hope not. Haha. Ew. I have a test today. I haven't done it yet. Oww. My throat hurts. My mom decided that I might not get to see the new baby. I'm going to be SOO mad if I don't get to see her. And Kailani. It would be SO unfair. Apparently I'm looking pretty bad. I haven't looked at myself in several days. I accidentally caught a glimpse of myself when I turned on the computer. Eww. So, My mom doesn't think I'll be going. So that means that I'll be on the boat with my dad, and eddy, and my uncle. Can you even imagine how terrible that would be? Really? I would be DYING!!! I can't. I love them all very much and everything, but no. Knowing that my mom and Annakah were with Becca and Chris and the babies... while I was hanging out with my dad, and eddy, and my uncle... uh-uh. No. I mean, maybe it wouldn't be bad, but I've been looking forward to this for weeks. Weeks on weeks. So, I'm going to get better. I swear it. I WILL get better. I'm making myself get better. I will be better.
Vessel Name: Kama Hele
Vessel Make/Model: '77 Litton Trawler
Hailing Port: Chatt., TN
Crew: Kevin, Lori, Annakah, and Aspen
About: Kevin is our captain, Lori is our first mate, annakah is the 2nd mate and aspen is the deck swabber.

Kama Hele

Who: Kevin, Lori, Annakah, and Aspen
Port: Chatt., TN